Benelli Nova Rifled Slug Barrel - Their Customer Service SUCKS!


New member
I purchased my Benelli Nova last October and was told by the Benelli customer service at that time, that starting in February or March I would be able to order the 18.5" slug barrel separately. I really wanted the 18.5" slug barrel, but couldnt find one so I bought my Nova with the 26" barrel.

I talked to Benelli yesterday and was told that they will not offer the 18.5" barrel as a separate accessory and that if I wanted the slug barrel, I'd have to buy another shotgun.

I was hot under the collar needless to say but still polite, the only reason I bought my Benelli as is, was on good faith that I would be able to buy the 18.5" barrel in future. I'm really displeased with their customer service.

I asked what would happen if I "accidentaly" ran over my shotgun barrel with my truck and need another? They said it would be replaced with the same barrel even if I agreed to pay any additional charges.

Benelli is a load of BS! I WILL NOT purchase another firearm from them. C'mon, I know I can get better customer service from Ruger, Glock, and DPMS for my other firearms.

Anybody have an 18.5" Benelli Nova slug barrel they'd be willing to part with?

Boycotting Benelli,

Hey Mark, fancy seeing you here.

Your story is not a surprise. Have you considered having a good barrel smith shorten your barrel?

I may be able to recommend someone if this has any appeal to you.


GOA, TSRA, LEAA, NRA, SAF and I vote!

Good to see you too... After speaking with their customer service, I obtained the address and wrote a pointed yet respectful letter to Mr. Bob Kinville who is the head manager of their customer service.

If I cant convince him to offer me the barrel for sale, I think I'll take it to a smith to shorten the barrel. I'll ask you for the name of the barrel smith should the need arise.

I bought the Benelli mainly for home defense. To chop a perfectly good 26" barrel down to 18" seems a little harsh... I dont know how much of a problem that vent rib will pose either?

See ya on next week.

i have been emailing with MMC
about attaching a GR to my nova

the brochure says the reciever can be tapped

the issue with 18 inch barrels may be one of supply
all the orders for 18 inch guns may be taking presidence over spare parts

company politics or not, that Nova is a really nice gun!

doc Zox

"walk softly and carry a big stick, one that goes bang in .308 is fine"
On cutting shotgun barrels.........After having been told (by an oltimer years ago) that cutting a mfg'd shotgun barrel could cause it to shoot off axis, we tried that exact scenario on an 870 five years ago. Without even shooting it we could see that the ID was very, very slightly off from dead center! Looking at the mfg'd end, it was exactly on center! Anyone ever seen this? Could this be usual with all or most shotgun barrels?
I have had execellent customer service in the past but that was when HK was doing it, I guess it changed.

As to barrel being off axis I have a vang modified barrel that looks right on, and shoot great.