Benefits of a Leather Sling?


New member
I've got a military style leather sling on my AR.

I've got one of those $10 Nylon Super Slings from Wally World on my Sako 7mm.

Damn if I don't like the nylon sling better! Its more comfortable all around, looks great, seems very sturdy and adjusts in a heartbeat.

What (if any) advantage does a leather sling have?


True... True...

So when the UN takes over the world, and I'm laying in hide to take out the UN convoy, just as the UN patrol comes within a few feet of my hide the sharp nosed grunt catches a whiff of my oiled sling...

Sounds like another reason for Nylon! :D :D

Leather slings...

are better if you use a sling to shoot.

If a sling is just a carrying device, it doesn't make much difference.
the leather sling is meant for position shooting, like the national match course. it is meant to give you a stable position without moving or stretching, and is easily adjustable (once you learn how to use it).
Good STIFF leather sling good for position shooting, as previously noted.

Leather required for some matches usin military style rifles.

If leather not required by match rules, but sling is needed, composite slings (similar to commercial power transmission belting) are great. They are hard as a rock and won't stretch if usin em to tow your truck.

If used only for carryin the gun, piece of rope'll do just fine.
