Bench rest plans, anywhere? Anyone?


New member
Hey all,

I recently purchased a new .223 and I need to sight in the scope on it. In the past I've always just rigged up some half-a$$ed rigs to hold rifles still while sighting them in, but now that I have several rifles, I'd like to attempt to build a benchrest for sighting them in. I suppose that I could fabricate my own plans to build one, but I'd like to use pre-tested plans, if there are any available.

That being said, does anyone know of any existing plans for a shooting rest? I heard that there were some on the NRA website, but I couldn't find them for the life of me.

Thanks for your help!
I have a set of plans for a portable bench by Shooting Times editor,Rich Jameson. If you would like a copy,email me.
Parke,I messed up and didnt give you an answer to your question.I broke down years ago and bought a hoppes bench rest and it has served me well.You could make a non-adjustable rest out of scrap lumber to give you the desired height for your rest. I have seen these at my gun club and a piece of rug remanent served to protect the rife.Fine adjustments would be made by sliding a sand bag along the bottom of the stock near your shoulder.