"Belt Buckle Knife"?


New member
I once saw an ad for a "belt buckle knife."

It was a knife that was incorporated into the belt buckle. I believe it was designed to be used as a "back-up."

Do they still make that item?

If so, what is their website?

Thanks for your opinions.
hmmm... I don't know. sounds kinda dangerous cause you could accidentally stab yourself in the gut. wouldn't want that to happen no no no.

but I like them little boot knifes. theyre sweet.

along with the gut knifes, does anybody know where I could find a boot knife?
Reserve Cop, one of the makers of the Belt Buckle Knife is the Bowen Co. I don't have their address, but they advertise in the gun mags and the knife mags. I think I've seen someone else who mfgs one, but can't recall the name.

I don't know about your state, but they are outlawed in Kalif. (Of course, most everything is now outlawed in Kalif.)

Yup, Jay Baker is right. Bowen Knife Company.
Bought one before it was illegal:mad:

My brother in law wanted to show off once and drew it while holding the belt in his hand. He thought he had to draw it forcefully...cut the bottom of the belt and took about 6 stitches in the hand (holding the belt)on top of it.

It was a nice little set up though.
I may be wrong, but I thought that Cal. law banned them only if they were over a certain length. Someone told me that really short ones (like under 2 inches) were still legal. However, I wouldn't rely on that and would either research it or ask the manufacturer. They should know what they can send to Cal. because it's a big market.

Best of luck,

I emailed them last night asking if their belts would hold a holstered handgun.They replied shortly after with this answer:

Yes, we can select from leather stock that we have at the time of your order to get you the thickest leather. We only use 8 to 9 oz. or 9 to 10 oz leather. The latter is plenty strong for the heaviest of hand guns.Thanks for your interest in the Bowen Belt Buckle knife. If we can help you, please do not hesitate to give us a call. Sonny Bowen
Good news...I thought Bowen's was defunct.

Let me say that I have owned their wide double edged belt buckle knife for over twenty years. It is a great knife and well worth the money.

Just a thought, though. If you wear a pistol on the same belt and want to draw the knife first...you might want to consider suspenders.:)