Belly band

Micro man

New member
I've been looking for a new carry method and was interested in the belly band holsters. I was wondering if any members has tried them and what they thought.
I would be carrying either a ruger SR9c or an LCR.

Thanks for your time and knowledge
Micro man
I carried an officers size 1911 in one for several years but won't claim to be an expert. When I changed jobs that meant a change in activities and dress I went to a smaller pistol and a different carry method.

Some advantages: you can adjust where on your waist/ribs to have the gun without having to worry about belt loop positions affecting the holster position; can be worn with clothing without a belt; generally the pistol pouches will let you have the grip forward (cross draw) or back; Easily cleaned; reduced issues with pistol exposure in public rest rooms.

Disadvantages: More layers of clothing worn may increase difficulty of accessing the pistol. Size ranges may not be quite as you think and easy to get too big/small for your size. Depending on the pouch for the pistol may not hold quite as secure as you might like, or small pistol in large pouch may be difficult to acquire. Elastic ages/stretches and some quicker than others. Same with the typical Velcro-type closures may wear out before the elastic. Mine didn't have any sweat protection for the pistol.

A fast-ish draw pretty much requires two hands, off hand to lift over-garment and then draw.
One-hand draw is possible but was usually a bit involved especially if the over-garment is a tucked in shirt. After grabbing enough cloth and lifting to make the gun accessible letting go to grasp the pistol results in cloth in the way unless some trapping with the forearm or elbow keeps it from falling.

Body conformation may impact how you actually carry. If you have a beer gut then a forward (over the belly position) for the pistol is likely not a good idea.
Ballardw -thanks for explaining the pros and cons of the belly band so well. At this point I think I will purchase one, which leads me to my next problem of what brand would work best for me .