Being Axxed


:eek: :eek: Just happened last night
Grandpa, grandma, and boy friend got attacked by a hatchet wielding spouse.
It appeared that hubby just got out of jail the other day for spousal abuse, wife had a restraining order, so of course hubby made a beeline to her parents' house. He alledgedly got in, tried to force his daughter to drink something poisonous. When the in-laws tried to stop him, hubby pulled a hatchet and gave them whatfor.
The father-in-law grabbed a revolver and missed. Boyfriend of wife and wife come out of the backroom and boyfriend tries to stop the hatchet wielder. He gets hacked up somewhat before he grabs a shotgun and puts an end to the attacks.

Any comments? Opinions? What would you do as the grandpa? or the boyfriend?
apparently people can kind of shoot with their arms hacked up.:confused: :confused: :confused:
What would you do as the grandpa? or the boyfriend?
What they did.

Any comments? Opinions?
Learn to defend life with whatever is available. Defend life no matter what it might cost.

I once had to save my own life with a stupid clay flower pot. What ever makes the bad guy stop. A shotgun blast to the torso is just about the perfect solution.
In the first place, I'd already have a gun before the axe fight started....

Not being British, I see nothing wrong with bringing superior force to a potential violent encounter -- and using it....
yeah, bringing an axe to a gunfight seems like a good idea on the surface to a crazy man. At least for a little while, anyway, then the element of surprise tends to vanish.

Unfortunately for the receivers of the Lizzie Borden kisses, the shotgun wasn't brought out for the guest of honor soon enough.

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The only problem is that Mr. Happy-Axe wasn't shot dead much earlier in the proceedings. He tried to force his own daughter to drink poison? If he isn't already dead, I hope he dies a horrible, lingering death from infection to his gunshot wounds.
Hmm, THIS shows why you should train to hit the FIRST TIME UNDER DURESS.

E.g, run 1/4 mile, and then try to hit a bullseye from 15 meters away.
Gryphon, I don't think it's his granparents he's talking about.

What to do? If I'm not armed, get as far away as I can. If I can't get far away, see what I can use against attacker. If I can't use anything against attacker, don't try to stand off and fight, get in as close as possible. Attempt to gain control of the weapon hand at the pivot point (hand / lower arm). Be glad he doesn't have stabbing weapon and realize he's probably going to take big swings at me that will leave a possible opening for counter attack.

Alternate approach: Dial 911 and wait 15 minutes for police to arrive. Plead for life while waiting.
Bastiat's on the right track with his post. You've got your two basic movements: close or disengage.

Disengaging is obviously the safest choice, regardless of the weapon system the Bad Guy is using. Distance=safety.

With a hatchet-wielding attacker in close quarters, it might make more sense to try and close distance inside the effective arc of the Bad Guy's weapon and deal with him there. Of course, you have to have the empty-hand (or edged weapon or disarming) skills to make that work.

Throwing anything handy at the Bad Guy also makes a lot of sense and might afford you the opportunity to close the distance safely.