Behold the Gun ban Gurus

One of those comments;

"That is the most ridiculous comment.

The last time bunch of civilians with guns could threaten a government, or particularly the US government, was over a century ago."

Riiiight. I guess they never heard of the Taliban driving out the Red Army back in the 80's, or the constant problem we're having in Iraq. It's hard to kill an enemy that isn't centralized, even if they only have small arms.
The first time I've ever seen a good comment on youtube is the comments regarding that DC delegate.

It said something along the lines of "how dare she speak to them that way, it is she who SERVES..."
SteelJM1 said:
Riiiight. I guess they never heard of the Taliban driving out the Red Army back in the 80's, or the constant problem we're having in Iraq. It's hard to kill an enemy that isn't centralized, even if they only have small arms.

Evidently some people have never heard of guerrilla warfare. These anti-2A clowns think that a future American revolution would involve all of us standing out in the open with our rifles, facing down tanks and aircraft. :rolleyes:
Off Topic: Yea and we supplied them with Stingers to help the process along. Now the Stingers are still out there and we feel the sting once in a while. :D

Please post more examples of more ANTI Gun Bone heads!:)
You have to laugh at Eleanor Holmes Norton accusing anyone else of looking "strange"

I thought that comment by Norton was pretty racist. I look like those strange people, not only was I a resident in D.C. I was also an SPO like Heller. Another D.C. politician made the mistake of telling me something like that in a community meeting in the early 90s'.

Said politician was immediately put in their place by assembled residents who knew me as one of the SPOs' patrolling their housing complex.
homefires: granted, in a revolution setting, getting ones hands on stingers would probably be a bit difficult.. RPG's would be easier. And as unfortunate as it sounds, revolutionaries would have to fight like the insurgents in Iraq complete with roadside bombs, hit and run, and general guerilla fighting tactics. Of course, taht will make it very easy for the government to label all the fighters as 'terrorists' and get the publics general consent to do anything to stop them.
The young lady who did the Canadian firearm facts "parody" skit is Katey Montague. Her father, Bruce, is a pro-gun activist in Canada and has been harrassed, persecuted and arrested by Canadian authorities for "violating" their registry requirements.

I've talked with both her and her father via telephone. Katey puts together all of her own material and has some friends in video production help edit and do the graphics. Her parents only make suggestions. She's a bright girl and does only a little recreational shooting but isn't a supercharged activist... she just wants the gov't to quit pretending they're protecting people by prosecuting her father for meaningless paperwork "crimes".
Steeljm1: I was not talking about here in the US. I was talking about Afghanistan and the Crap we gave them, Now our enemies are there! Even Residual Arms can make up a collective Army!

These people are out there and have there little collections.

This has nothing to do with the Saviors, looking out for your well being and taking it into there hands to control your purchase of firearms while issuing licenses to people to hold the firearm that was stolen from you last year!:D

It looks like they are just Inept and cant do the job. They have the numbers of the firearms stolen, they have the owners name. Yet they issue a permit to a new name, new person holding the firearm?

Here in New Mexico, as backwards as we are, if your firearm has a check don on it . It will be returned to you. Rusted, Cut , Chopped or what ever.

They was issuing permits to possess a stolen firearm. This while Protecting you from the bad man with a gun?????????? Ok It may have been sold to a good person in a ruse. It may have been picked up in a trade. It may be the person that stole it in the first place!