Beginner training videos


New member
I'm pretty new here, so I'm not sure if self promotion is allowed.. lol But, after seeing alot of crap videos on the net I started putting some together myself. Bear in mind, these are for people just getting started in defense and tactical shooting. If you can do so without totally destroying my self-esteem, I would appreciate some input, or criticism, from others who practice these things. My vids are on YouTube. Search for milproakron.

The volume on the first couple was bad and that has been corrected. I've also gotten better at editing and adding some humor to keep it light. I'm just trying to help people, not get famous lol

MilProAkron videos
The sound quality on the basics, gun retention, and weapon lights was poor.

I enjoyed the humor in the range & ammo gear videos. Excellent point about the mag pouches on the vest, and will help people consider who they are going to deploy equipment in the real world, and not just how tacti-cool it looks.
Thanks, Blue. Yes, the audio was pretty poor that first day. I had the camera set up too far away from the demo. I corrected that in the other videos. I may have to go back and re-do those with the bad audio.
I watched, too.
As the guy said when the waiter asked how he liked the dessert:
What little there was was very good.
Betcha' that your audience will pick up as the number of videos increase.
The price is right, too.
Also, you did a good job of limiting verbal crutches like UMM and UHH. Nothing worse than some homemade videographer fumbling around with his gun while he isn't sure what he wants to say.

"This is uh, the uh, Glock 17 pistol. I, umm, thought I would make a video about something to with, the uhh, gun, which is a great gun." Blah blah blah.

Also, make sure your title reflects what the video is about. Watched a video the other day and it was more than halfway through before it addressed the subject which was very specifically indicated in the title.
Thanks guys. Its a work in progress. I've been teaching classes for the military and civilian companies for 20 years, so I've had a lot of practice with stopping myself from stuttering or saying "um" etc lol. They nailed us hard for that in instructors school. I have two more videos in the works. They'll be up in a couple of days.