before we hunt............


New member
Before all of us step out into the woods for this years season I would like to take a moment to wish all the best of luck. I hope everyone has a bountiful harvest and most of all be safe! Of course, lets hope MR.Murphy doesn't tag along on any of our hunts. Remember it's not the taking of the animal it's the "hunt" and enjoying the out doors. I hope all yall are back next year with some good huntin stories.
But, of course!!!

Think of the threads! "The one that got away--from my buddy." Or, "Now, how big was that, again?" And don't forget, "My buddy and the game warden."

And FUD will ask for an alligator recipe...

:), Art

[This message has been edited by Art Eatman (edited October 03, 2000).]
Just got back from a dove hunt in Godley Texas with my dad. Had a great time! Wish the best to all on the hunt.
Big game season here is over (moose). I'm still planning an island blacktail hunt in the spring. And there are a few caribou hunts that I believe are still open, but I don't envision being able to hunt any of those. We didn't tag anything this year, but we did have a good hunt. Had fun with my family, enjoyed the outdoors, shot some small game, and only one of our four wheelers rolled into a 5' deep swamp with water tempuratures at about 33 degrees, that took 3 of us to jump in and get it out :) It was fun though, and as long as nobody gets hurt (really hurt) it's considered a good hunt. Good luck all, and bring us some stories.
Would like to wish everyone luck and stay safe. Don't want to be a downer, but last week Texas had a hunting fatality. Did not take long to get the first. A young boy (pre-teen, I think) was killed while bird hunting with his Dad. I am unsure of the details except that it is being treated as accidental. Everyone be careful. It does not take too much time to unload a weapon so it is safe and then load it when you need it. Be smart-Be safe-Shoot straight :D
BadMeds - Did you say a SPRING hunt for blacktails? :eek:We need to talk...
C'mon out to Unit 6 for a WINTER deer hunt.

Good hunting everyone!
