
New member
my wife went to the doctor today(new doctor)while filling out the usual questionaire, found two new questions. do you carry a gun either on your person or in your car? check all tht apply. when asked the purpose, "it's for insurance purposes" but no one could or would say WHOSE insurance co.
anybody have a similar experience??
I'd be inclined to ignore the question, it's none of their f***in' business. I remember a while back when GEICO surveyed their policy holders as to did thy own radar detectors, and then promptly canceled those who replied in the affirmative (never mind that other surveys indicated that radar detector users were more attentive and had better driving records - ). The state (MD)insurance commission made them reinstate the cancelled drivers, but it just goes to show ya' a thing or two about business ethics (sic) in the insurance industry - As a society, we tend to be pretty open and trusting, and this is going to be a bigger and bigger problem as time goes by. IMHO, you are best served by keeping yourself to your self, and question every question with "why do you need to know that?" You'll be surprised by some of the answers (or lack there of-). It's your privacy, protect it, they won't -
my .02
I had an auto policy with GEICO back then. I filled out the questionaire and handed it to the agent. She then asked me "You really DON'T have a RADAR DETECTOR do you?" I answered, "Ahh, No, not actually". She handed me a new form and I filled it out accordingly.

The big covert gunowner registration scheme is being perpetrated by the federal government through their OASIS reporting by home health care providers.

Rightt now it is only hitting senior citizens and people on Medicade. When a patient is admitted to home health and either Medicare or Medicade is paying some of the bill the provider has to fill out a long admission form. This form has several pages of "risk assesment" of the home environmnt. Questions covering everything from lead based paint, to if there are firearms and ammunition in the home and how they are stored.

Many home health agencies are now preparing to issue their providers laptop computers to deal with this requirement. All of this information is uploaded and kept.

The privacy violations are staggering. Go by your local home health agency or visiting nurses and ask to see an OASIS admission form.

Between the insurance companies and the federal government, we'll all soon have big electronic dossiers.

Same thing about 3 mos ago. The question read.. Do you own any firearms? I was quite irritated and didn't answer the question. The doctor took my blood pressure and asked is it always this high. I said no, only when things like his questionare set me off. He said he was not aware of the question and didn't know why it would be there in the first place. This was the first visit because I needed a yearly exam and I had to go to a designated doctor determined by my health insurance. I wonder what other things he is not AWARE of?

[This message has been edited by ursus (edited June 03, 1999).]
Coincidentally, I called my insurance agent today to see if I could add some more coverage for firearms on my homeowners policy. The standard policy from Allstate covers $2000 for guns, with a $500 deductible, and that wouldn't even begin to replace all my guns. Of course the NRA membership includes %1000 coverage, but that's still not nearly enough at today's prices.

She told me I would have to get a professional appraiser to prepare a detailed description of each gun, including serial # and any "identifying markings", and it's current value. I asked why I didn't have to do that with any of our other personal property which is covered by the policy and she didn't have an answer. Then she recommended I go somewhere else for additional coverage. I got the distinct impression that Allstate wants their agents to discourage anyone from adding more coverage on guns. I wouldn't be surprised if the present coverage on guns is omitted on future policies.

I also read recently that Prudential won't cover any firearms in their homeowners policy, and won't sell a personal liability policy to anyone who keeps a gun in their house. Has political correctness come to the insurance industry or is there some other reason they don't want to insure guns?
Ed you might check out for your firearms insurance needs. I don't know anything about them but they do advertise in Gun List.


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
A little out of scope--primarily responding to Ed.

I think you might just have an agent who doesn't like guns. States regulate insurance on property so where you live things might be a little different from my state (CO). With Farmers Ins. you will have either $1000 or $2500 coverage on guns built into the policy. Should you wish to increase your coverage you may do so in three ways. 1) Increase the base limit on guns by $2500 with a per item limit of $2500. This coverage is good for named perils (i.e. theft, fire, ect.). 2) An unscheduled personal articles floater (guns) up to $20000, again with the $2500 per article limit. No apppraisals needed--however it's wise to have the current value of each firearm soas should a loss occur you'll be on a more even footing with your claims representative. 3) Scheduled article floater up to $20000. With a scheduled floater you must provide an appraisal--so the insurance company knows what it is insuring against "all risks". These firearms are generally considered to be more valuable than a common like type. All risk, yes that includes dropping your rifle off a cliff when you were Big Horn Sheep hunting.

This current procedure is actually less intrusive than it was just a few years ago when all firearms had to be listed individually in order for it to be covered under a floater "all risk" type of plan.

With your NRA coverage of $10000 and the above you should be able to cover at least the majoity of your collection.

In the Shotgun News I've noticed an agency that seems to offer good coverage--you might also give them a try.
It's the "Information Age."
Information sustains knowledge.
Knowledge is power.
Power is a system, otherwise it wouldn't work.
All systems follow the universal law of survival.
Survival's corollary is: Feed it, and it may grow big enough to eat you.
Case in point, the Federal Government that has been "reduced".
Best case in point, Insurance companies, that actually control much of the investment capital in the U.S., and have more behind the scenes political clout than any other influence group.

All hail the actuarial!!

"If you really want to know what's going on;
then, you have to follow the money trail."
Well, with all the internetworking hardware the government has got from us withing the last 2 years - the certainly have enough of it to create the database and networks to have this monster...

Ed, I don't know about other "name brand" insurance companies, but my wife was a claims adjuster for Allstate for many years. Let me put it diplomatically, but many negative things that people believe about insurance companies is alive and well at Allstate.

In other words, she worked for them, and wouldn't give them any business if her life depended on it. Avoid them like the plague,

David H. Wright
Bring this man a
goat and a bowl of fruit
My doctor and I have had this discussion. She now automatically subtracts 5 pounds from my weight without mentioning it.
Well, we all know what motorep carries. ;)

A 1911 with 5 spare clips, a Glock 23 in an ankle holster with 3 spare mags, a folder in the strong side pants pocket, a fixed on the belt & a brass knuckle duster in the weak side pocket - Just in case !

That should total around 5lbs? LOL :D

"The Gun from Down Under !"
OK, HS,this has been bugging me all day, so- on my 20 year old, never been calibrated or chrono'd Sears Roebuck bathroom scale- Combat Commander with 1 extra mag, holster and mag pouch- 4 lbs +-. Does this mean that I really weigh 189 instead of 190 ?