Beeman GT600

Bob S

New member
I just got a new Beeman GT600 in .177 as a gift for Christmas. Seems like a great gun, very accurate and seems to shoot very hard. The trouble is, I know nothing about airgun shooting. Does anyone know the velocity of pellets shot out of this model? Also, I'd like to hear from some of you air gun pros out there.... any tips on interesting targets for backyard shooting? Or tips on airgun shooting in general would be great. Thanks
Not sure which model that is, but go to Beeman's website for complete stats on their rifles.

Tips: Best starling bait is el cheapo dog food (e.g. Ol Roy) - better and cheaper'n popcorn or bread - put it in a non-breakable pan or dish. Give it a few days for the birds to find it. :) Remember to check behind your target for safety. Today's airguns are big-time powerful. Also check your local laws regarding legality of shooting in the city, etc.

Don't use a scope because the iron sights are plenty good, but if you have to have a scope, make sure it is specifically made for airguns or it will surely break on you.