Bedding the stock


New member
I was considering bedding the stock on my M9130 and yugo SKS and I was wondering, if I bed the stock will It make it so I can't take it apart?
Because when I clean my rifles I take them all apart. But my interpretation of bedding the stock is like glueing it together so It won't come apart.
Am I right?
No. When you bed a stock you put something on it the bedding wont stick to. You have to make doubly sure you cover all areas where the bedding and metal come into contact or you wont ever get it apart. The first time you take it apart it might be difficult but once everything is cleaned up it will be easier.
That makes sense. Is it hard to do? Or is it just making sure you cover everything yo don't want stuck.

Would it be better to bed the reciever only or the barrel also?
I use Accraglass Gel bought as a kit. It comes with release agent, although several things will work as well for a release agent. If you mess with guns long enough that Accraglass Gel comes in very handy for stock repairs as well as other stuff.
Use Accraglass Gel. It comes in a complete kit with instructions. The kit even includes brown and black colorant to match the material to the wood if need be. For stock repairs for instance. Easy to use and easy to clean up. The kit is often found in the more complete gunshops. It will probably run under 20 bucks.
The Mosin Nagant rifle was never glass bedded on military issued rifles. Competitive target rifles or hunting rifles where constant bedding pressures and accuracy is paramount glass bed their rifles. The average sporter weight Remington 700 is not glass bedded and does NOT have a free floating barrel. These Remington 700 have 3 to 9 pounds of up pressure at the fore end tip to achieve the best accuracy.

If you notice on these re-arsenaled mosin rifles the action is shimmed with hard paper shims to adjust for wood crush. You can go further and use brass sheets that come in .005, .010, .015, ,020, etc to shim your mosin and make it shoot more accurately.

The bottom line is the shims can be used to "tune" your rifle and the shims can be changed or removed. Glass bedding can't be taken out with your fingers but brass shims can be. ;)

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