Bed Holster

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New member
I have a Sig 229 that currently lives under my bed (I have no children, nor do any ever visit me). Someone described to me a "bed holster" that holds a gun by inserting a pancake between the mattress and box spring, while holding the gun vertical to the ground. Has anyone ever heard of or used one? If so, what's the verdict and, if good, where can I get one?
Did anyone see that movie "Safehouse"
with that schmuck captain from Star
Trek the Next Generation? He had
guns stashed thru-out the entire
house. In cabinets , under sinks
in couches , bathrooms etc etc. I
keep a Kahr K40 pistol on the left
side of my bed & a 12 gauge pistol
grip 18" barrel Mossberg shotgun on the
right side. I pity the fool that enters
my domain. First I'll empty the shotgun
only then will the K40 come into play.

I have one of these bed holsters - works great - not sure I'd use it if I had children in the house, though.
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