Beautiful Saturday on the back porch


New member
first off, i would like to share a little find at the thrift store, nothing like beagles score, but since i am written into his will, i am not concerned

the guy at the antique place wasnt too happy when i said i would be cooking it down
i did 220 rounds of the 356-120-tc fro two days ago, lubed up and ready to load today

and the weather is sooooo awesome, i got right outta work at 8am and started cooking, started with the 356-120-tc, probably about 300 rounds or more, then i figured i would do a few of mikes mold and some wads, it went so fast, not sure how many i did, but over 600 at least, only took less than 2 hours, i feel i am getting pretty proficeint at this

look how crisp the grooves are on the 120TCs, they are very clean and sharp edges, love it
figure ill probably knock out another 10-15 pounds today and then get these loaded up to put downrange tomorrow, no need to size, the 9s all drop right at 3555 to 3560
They sure are crispy on the edges and good looking!
I'd load just a few to test em out. I don't have a 9mm, but I do read a lot, and I see a bunch of folks saying that they have to get to .357 and sometimes .358 to stop them from leading.:confused:

It'd be a pain to pull down 4 or 500 of them if you need to learn powdercoating before they'll fit. :)
eh, i dont mind cleanng if i have a problem, but the ones i buy are always 355 and dont have any issues, i use to have a s&w with a sloppy barrel tolerence and i had some issues, but the guns i have now all slug right at 355
Load them babies up then! Whatcha gonna put under em for rocket fuel?

I tell ya, I used to only shoot Unique in everything.... but this powder shortage thing has really expanded my horizons on loading. Since Unique is pretty much a memory in my LGS, I bet I got a dozen different kinds of powder now that I had never thought I'd be loading. :D
all cast pistol get hp38, just cause thats what i can find, and i kinda like it

i have TG too, but only one pound, save it for plated

its about 4am here, just loaded up 400 of these, just waiting for sunrise so i can put them to their god-given purpose
Well, your bullets did look good enough to eat, so....

Are they 9mm or .40?
You said earlier something about .355, but they have the forty look.... :confused:
thought id give some of these a try today

heres at 19 yards using a cz-varient(turkish, greatest pistol ever btw)

shot pretty nicely, not sure about the flyer
yuppers, lotsa nasty alox, went back out on monday, did lotsa pistol shooting, maybe 500 w/o cleaning barrel, i do have some leading

nothing major and only on the last inch of the barrel, but i am only a couple weeks away from PC so no worries
Nice looking bullets. I also really like the 356-120TC. Can't help but notice an oddball in the bunch in the last pic. :)
BTW what COL do you set them at? Mine are at 1.080 and they cycle beautifully through my XDm-9, shooting slow or rapid firing...all I see is empty cases flying out-fun stuff. :D
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cycle great, had no issues, but i feel the accuracy is under what i was getting with the regular lead RN, but i havent played with it enough to say if its the bullet or not, i havent tried sizing the bullets or playing with different charges yet, i have the RN mold on the way

actually just thinking about it now, the bullet already has such a small bore riding surface, it would probably help to increase my oal to get closer to the lands and maybe take powder up a tenth or two
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