Bear skin rug


New member
Im jumping the gun a bit. But what is the going rate to have a bear hide turned into a bear skin rug? Anyone know where I can send a salted hide to have it done? How do you prep a hide before taking it to a taxidermist or a tannery? Do you take them to a tannery or a taxidermist? Again bear season is a little ways off and of coarse I have to actually see a bear.
Depends on the size of the bear, whether or not you want the skull cleaned, sealed and mounted with it and backing put on the rug or just have it soft tanned without the skull. Cheapest is to have just a plain soft tan $300-$500 depending on size and to have the skull bug cleaned and mounted $150-$200. A rug with the skull bug cleaned, sealed and backed$1000-$1200.
They don't use the actual skull, but plastic forms. It has been 15 years since having mine done. Cost was $500 then, but I'd not be surprised at $1,000 or more now. I had the rug done with black felt backing and the head mounted with the mouth open. I cleaned and bleached the skull myself and it is a separate piece.

Don't go cheap. Bear skins can smell funky in a few years if not done right. My taxidermist sent the hide off to some place in Canada if I remember correctly to be professionally tanned then he mounted the head and finished it.
Call a local Taxidermist. He will give you specifics on how to properly skin and prepare the hide. In many cases, if you have a local taxidermist, they prefer to skin the animal themselves. You just field dress it and then take it to them to skin. This is why it's good to contact them BEFORE you need them. If you use an outfitter, they generally know the proper way to skin and prepare the hide for transport. Proper skinning is as important as the tanning process. The taxidermist will also give you the prices you should expect to pay should you connect. Most times freezing the hide is preferred over salting, but one must be careful not to roll the hide or to fold it improperly.
My taxi charged $150/foot 4 years ago. A very modest size black bear can cost $800+. Big bear=big bucks.

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If you have a place where you can put the skull to let the flies lay their eggs on it the maggots will eat the flesh off and leave the skull spotlessly clean thus saving you a hundred bucks or so.