Bear Repellant ?

Mike H

New member
Whilst I've heard many people say that the .44 Magnum handgun loaded with heavy cast slugs is an excellent bear stopper, my Win lever 30-30 is derided as being underpowered for journeys into bear country and I should get a Marlin 45-70. Whilst I accept that a bull slugger like the 45-70 will out power my 30-30 any day, surely my Winchester is much more powerful than even the best .44 Magnum and as such should be a reasonable weapon even if not the best when dealing with a hungry bruin. Opinions appreciated.

Mike H
I have a Winchester 94 30-30 lever also. I take this gun out whenever I go field hunting up on the mountain in the summer. I just strap it on my back. Of course a 45-70 is going to knock down a bear better than a 30-30, but the 30-30 round is traveling almost twice as fast out of the barrel than the 45-70 does (30-30 2600fps-45-70 1600fps). When your talking speeds like that with a bullet the size of the 30-30, anything bear size at close range isn't going to digest it very well. I have never felt underpowered when out in the field with the Winchester. My friend has a Marlin 45-70 guide gun, and it is a sign from god when shot. Both are good bear guns in my opinion.


[This message has been edited by dent guy (edited December 17, 1999).]
The advantage of the .45-70, particularly if you're in grizzly country, is penetration through thicker hide and heavy bone. There is more possibility of the .30-30 bullet blowing up on bone, creating a relatively superficial wound.

A superficially wounded bear tends to get rather irate. At close range this can be detrimental to the shooter.

The number-crunchers say that the probability of a fatal attack is higher with black bears than with grizzlies. The black bear allegedly will not attack a human except as it wants a meal, and thus will press home an attack. The grizzly is more prone to be pulling a territorial bluff.

In my maybe-worthless opinion, I think a truly notable first hit from a .45-70 would be more of a problem solver than a hit from a .30-30...

Good luck with your bear bells, Art
IMHO, underpowered in .44 mag for bear. It is good for the back up handgun. Say, it beats a big knife. For bear go with a rifle cartridge like the 45-70.

Courage is only fear that has said its prayers.

[This message has been edited by Ned Roundtree (edited December 19, 1999).]
Well up here in Alaska, where the bears are big and nasty (2 fatal maulings this year) we take the position that bigger is better.
Thats why we sell so many take down Alaskan Co-Pilot rifles in 45-70...Now we have revived the 50 Alaskan and developed the 457 Magnum for the ultimate in big game lever guns and bear protection!

Come visit us at

The Guys @Wild West