Bear Defense??????

Ben Shepherd

New member
Hunting deer in grizzly country.

OH SH** pistol will be my 44 srh.

My hunting handloads.

Is a 240 HCSWC at @1500fps. enough?

I know 300+grainers would be better. My theory behind the 240's is that's what I shoot most of the time, and this particular load is a tack driver in my gun. This particular load has prefomed very well on several deer in the past, alond with other game.

If it comes down to "instinct" shooting(which it almost certainly will be if the handgun comes out) is that I will be able to put them where I want them.

I know I should have spent some time on more effective round development, but I was just invited yesterday, and the hunt is this weekend.


Some off the shelf premium hunting ammo(buffalo-bore, etc.) that I have never shot before. No experience with recoil, trajectory, bullet performance on impact, etc.
Those Buff' Bullets are supposed to be sweet.

Uhm though ... why drop your rifle to shoot a bear with a handgun? :confused:
Rifle against tree while cooking, pistol in holster on your belt; rifle in scabbard on led horse, pistol on belt; etc.

Wouldn't choose pistol over rifle, unless I was on a guided hunt with rifle back-up.
I'd guess that pin-point accuracy would be rather low on the list of priorities. How fast you could put six into a six-inch circle at about ten yards would be more important?

I believe what I would do is load up a bunch of 300-grainers. I'd practice by starting with something in my hands, with the target behind me at 15 yards. Drop whatever's in my hands. Turn and draw. I'd try to get four into the middle of the target ASAP; look; and then the other two as "insurance".

:), Art
That much accuracy not a problem with any of my handloads.

I'm just worried about accuracy degredation under extreme stress?

I shoot IDPA with my sp101 using 357 ammo quite often, usually do ok, but it's not that kind of stress level.
Well, I s'pose you could go find a trained bear.
If you're not getting enough stress when going against the clock at an IPDA match, you're not pushing yourself hard enough. Unless you're really into the Zen thing, you're taking too long to think and to shoot.

Anyhow, it still holds that as you practice, so will you perform. The good thing is that you're thinking about it ahead of time, avoiding the "Where'd that bear come from?" bit.

I guess you gotta be an Old Fart to have the attitude of, "Oh, well, just another danged bear." or the NASCAR, "Oh, well, ate that danged wall again."

:), Art
Seems to me that the purpose of the revolver is mainly for OhSh!tBEAR defense.

Since you will be carrying a rifle for deer hunting, I would load the revolver with 44Mag FMJs or some of Garett's Hammerheads. Sure, the trajectory of these would be different from your tackdriver 240gr deer loads, but you are not looking to reach-out-and-touch a deer. You are looking to cripple-a-bear-before-it-touches-YOU.

So, the target will be getting larger and larger as time goes by, and you want ammo that will inflict more pain on the bear as it gets closer and closer. Deer and bears are NOT made the same.
Seems the consensus is what I thought it would be. Accuracy if it's that close won't be nearly as critical as knock down power.

320 HCSWC it is.

If I'm not posting by next week, the bear won.:D