Bear Creek Barrells?


New member
So there is a shop here that custom builds rifles. The guy that seemed quite knowledgeable insisted that yes Bear Creek did have some issues, but that they have been sorted out and are now making barrels on par with the more “name” barrels that cost far more. We are in NC too and I like the idea of having a rifle built from someone I know and using local manufacturers where we can. I am looking at having a tack driving AR built. I have been thinking of getting a rack grade National Match such as a Rock River, but he left me with the idea that he could build one just as good or better for less money. Depending of course. He swears buy Bear Creek. What say you? Only people that have actual experience with them please. Thanks.
So there is a shop here that custom builds rifles. The guy that seemed quite knowledgeable insisted that yes Bear Creek did have some issues, but that they have been sorted out and are now making barrels on par with the more “name” barrels that cost far more. We are in NC too and I like the idea of having a rifle built from someone I know and using local manufacturers where we can. I am looking at having a tack driving AR built. I have been thinking of getting a rack grade National Match such as a Rock River, but he left me with the idea that he could build one just as good or better for less money. Depending of course. He swears buy Bear Creek. What say you? Only people that have actual experience with them please. Thanks.
All I can tell you is I have a bear creek 450 Bushmaster upper that shoots 3/4"at 100 yards and a Bear Creek 224 Valkyrie that is 5/8 minute. My White oak .223 barrel on the custom upper I built myself (all blueprinted) regularly shoots a ragged hole at 100 and 1 3/4" at 400.
I think Bear Creek is decent middle of the road stuff, but I personally wouldnt build a benchrest rifle using their barrel.
I have actual experience with them in a custom build. Accuracy was, well, simply, terrible.

From a price stand point, they are affordable, but, you get what you paid for. In my experience, if you want a tack driver, stay away from Bear Creek.

I'm no brand snob either, I've had excellent accuracy out of low end PSA guns. From what I saw from two Bear Creek barrels, there is no reason to to build a gun around them.
"Name barrels" as you call them have developed that "name" by being among the best. Seems like every few years somebody comes along and says they are "as good as" one of the big guys. Sometimes it's true, other times just hot air. If his barrels really are "as good as" one of the big guys he will gain a reputation the hard way, by shooters using his barrels winning trophies. Just realize that until he has a proven record it's just a claim, not a fact. And until he has a reputation for a fine barrel, you are taking a chance on the product.
There are a couple Bear Creek barrels in my family, and I've helped people work through problems with about a dozen more.

My short answer: It's not worth the risk.

As my brother (who currently owns two) likes to put it: "Bear Creek barrels are binary. Either they're pretty decent, or their garbage. But you never know what you'll get until you spend the money..."
Thanks everyone. After reading everything I think I am just going to try to build one myself.
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I have a couple. Look awesome, shoot mediocre. I'll spend the money on a better barrel next time. These are the two Frankenmauser was talking about. Through dealing with a local builder that WAS using their barrels and talking with others I've learned that my experience is pretty common. You either get a good one or its junk.
“Tack driver” and BCA barrels are not synonymous. There are exceptions of course, but the majority of BCA barrels are fair shooters with a percentage that are really pretty bad. I have an 18” BCA barrel on my 6.5 Grendel build that is an exception in my opinion; it will shoot sub MOA with loads I groomed for it, but it is still not a “tack driver” as I see the term; it will not shoot five round groups as one jagged hole like some of my rifles do. If you really want precision accuracy, I would recommend you leave BCA barrels out and go elsewhere...spend a little more money, you will be glad in the end.