Bear Attack Victim Shot By Spouse

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Back in 2011, we discussed the unfortunately circumstances of where one hunter shot another hunter and friend when that other hunter was being mauled by a bear that the hunters had wounded earlier in the day.

Here is a different spin on a similar story. A very old grizzly bear attacked a woman in a somewhat bizarre set of circumstances that apparently started off with the bear's interest in the family dog, resulting in the bear ending upin the house and the occupants fleeing to their vehicles for cover (apparently without keys?). The wife eventually left her vehicle and was grabbed by the bear. The husband retrieved a rifle from inside the house and started shooting at the bear that had dragged the wife some 60-70 feet across a creek. When he ran out of ammo, he went back inside, reloaded, and fired at the bear until killing it. Somewhere in the process, a bullet is reported to have struck a poplar tree, deflected, and struck the husband's wife in the chest. At the time of being shot, she was still alive. When she died is not clear, but that he had to transport her back across the creek, into a vehicle, and drive her over 30 miles to hospital certainly would not have been beneficial to her survival.

No word on any potential charges for the husband. The autopsy results came out back in December and there is no current news to suggest any sort of prosecution (that I can find).

In defense of others can be difficult. Situations can be very complex, be they urban social situations or rural animal attack situations. A lot of things happen fast and there are unexpected factors that can come into play that can greatly affect the final outcome of the situation, such as an unseen poplar deflecting a bullet meant for the bear, into the wife.
I purchased 3 boxes of 9mm ammo of a different kind. The seller as in someone I knew warned me about shooting the ammo in a junk yard. I thought that was strange but had to ask why.

He claimed he did not know anything about the ammo but decided he would test the ammo in his shop. He claimed the bullet hit everything in his shop but him before coming to a stop. The bullets were steel round looking bearings with a sabot cover. I never had enough curiosity about the ammo; he did say he moved outside and found the ammo very accurate.

Then there was the preacher that decided to go hunting one Sunday morning, it is said although it was against his religion he took his gun along. They say he had some success with rabbits and squirrels before he encountered a grizzly bear. Somehow he managed to climb a tree in an effort to escape. It was about that time things got serious; he dropped his gun then reached for his razor. I know what most are thinking, he was a preacher and yes he was praying but did not loose his faith.

His prayer went something like; “Lord, if you can not help me please do not help this bear”.

Then there was Jerry from Yazoo City, Mississippi; he told a story about a man that got treaded in a tree with a mountain lion. When things got really bad the treaded man hollered down for his friend to shoot. We all know there would be reluctances on the part of his friend to shoot out of fear of hitting the treaded friend. It was about that time the man in the tree shouted “SHOOT! It don’t matter what you hit; one of us needs some relief”.

Then there are those situations that happen that made absolutely no sense. All involved were left with no explanation. There were situations that happen 50 +/- a few years ago that were never discussed until recently.

When I hear a song about “No bad news” I reflect.

F. Guffey
The husband retrieved a rifle from inside the house and started shooting at the bear that had dragged the wife some 60-70 feet across a creek.
Who couldn't make a head shot on that bear from that distance?
Anyone who sights in their rifles off a bench would say they couldn't miss.
But without the bench, with the adrenaline flowing, and after making a mad dash to get the gun, what would you say?
Sounds like a good one for the prosecutor to use that all powerful discretion they have.
Let the guy be. He has a whole future of playing the what if game.
I think the man was clearly justified in shooting in defense of his wife. It's just unfortunate that things didn't work out better for her.
So what was he supposed to do, not shoot the bear that was killing his wife?

Let him go on with his life and stop wasting taxpayer's money chasing situational unicorns.

Where is the negligence?
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