Beanie babies for Kosovo?...nah, really?


Moderator Emeritus
Just heard on ABC Radio news that Algore wants all American kids to send beanie babies to the kids in Kosovo. Can anyone corroborate this?

How much 5.56 nato ammo will a beanie baby hold? ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
And the MC is gonna personally finance the beanie-lift, right?

I swear, every time that man opens his mouth, he provides fresh evidence of his cluelessness. It was amusing the first few times, but now it's kind of disgusting.

You can't get something for nothing,
You can't have freedom for free.
--Neil Peart
I'm sorry. I just got this picture of B-52's carpet-bombing Kosovo with little stuffed rodents. INCOMMING!!! It could be fun after all. :)
We could send some fresh food. "God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly!" :D

[This message has been edited by Ewok (edited July 14, 1999).]
And THIS from the man who INVENTED the INTERNET...

Why am I not surprised.

Yeah! This is just what folks in KOSOVO need! Lets send them stupid useless sh!t so they will be lulled into not fighting and killing cause they have been stoopid bombed!

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


Al Bore, "I am deeply sorry that you have no food or place to stay, Kid. Here have a Beanie Baby (tm), it will make you feel better."

Now if we could get him to deliver them in person.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Jim, you almost got it right ;). It's, "I'm sorry all the males in your family has been wiped out and some of your womenfolk raped, but here's something made by the folks who aid your enemies and this should cheer you up. It's called a Beanie Baby and it's in very high demand by collectors and kids all over America. Hang onto it kid, if you live long enough to see adulthood, it may be worth some money.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Ewok, that's what I was thinking, in fact, that episode was on cable last week, what a classic.

4V50 Gary, hell, if they wait long enough, they might be able to trade them for half a loaf of bread for their family of 5 or 6.

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.