Beamhit Laser Training System


A friend told me about the Beamhit laser training system ( and that's when my interest in the product grew. Dry-fire exercise has long been in integral part of my firearms training and this system seems to market itself upon that. As with all products in the marketplace, there are pros and cons to such a system. Though I have tried, I have not been successful in finding reviews on this product. Has anyone had personal experience with this system or a similar one?

The Beamhit 190 is available for purchase direct from the company for about $280 + $35 for the laser rod. This makes the system nearly $350 after taxes and shipping (if applicable). For this amount of money you could easily buy 1000+ rounds of live ammunition.

I'd appreciate your opinions. For more details visit


I bought a Beamhit 110 around 2 yrs ago after a demo at a gun show - was very excited with the concept -- imagine -- practise dryfiring in my house, whenever I wanted to, no driving to the range, no range fees, no cost for ammo!

System can be used to practice using the sights, or for point-shooting. I was ecstatic!

I bought the Pro700 with the LT 100 laser sending unit. Also needed is a caliber rod to attach the sending unit to the barrel.

Another reason I was happy to buy was 'cause it's made in Israel and I wanted to support them.

So I'm sorry to have to tell you that this turned out badly for me.

The caliber rod and the target unit were fine.

But the laser sending unit (this is made in Taiwan) was terrible. Try as we might, we could NOT get the windage and elevation adjusting screws to work properly. Twice we returned the sending unit for warranty replacement and not one of the three worked properly.

Either no adjustment occured, or the adjustments were erratic. But no way could we get the dxmn thing to aim right. Close, yes, but a near miss, as they say, wins no cigar.

I'm still stuck with the unit. Wanna buy it? :D

The 190 uses the same sending unit and I wouldn't go near it.

One hope left, however.

Since I still have the target unit, your post has made me wonder whether I shouldn't invest another $299 + shpg for their internal laser sending unit.

This comes with 3 caliber sleeves and needs NO windage or elevation adjustment since it is designed to align itself with the barrel automatically.

Beamhit sells successfully to the police and the military, so I imagine those higher end products work properly. But the consumer sending unit is junk. And although they did exchange units for me, their customer service was poor. They promised to send a new unit but didn't until I called to remind them. There was no training VHS tape in my box and they sent me one free. It had barely recognizable sound. They promised me another one but never sent it.

If I could find a unit like this from another company I'd grab it. Since I never saw this anywhere else, and I LOVE the concept, I'm considering taking another chance and buying the internal sending unit from these turkeys.

Hope this helps.

Curious to read your response.

Good luck,


I also started out with a Beamhit 110 system 3 years ago and absolutely loved it. I had no problems getting the unit to zero for me. I even used it on different firearms with different calibers and was able to adjust the zero for each one just fine. My training needs changed as I do alot of holster work and with the transmitter that came with the 110 system there was no way I could stick that in a holster and make it work. They then came out with a new transmitter (LT-500) that is small enough to fit in the holster with no problems (as long as you have an open bottom holster) and I bought one of those. All I can say is it is a fantastic training aid. It enabled me to drastically reduce my times from holster to first shot accurately on target. It also, in conjuction with a shot timer that is capable of par times, allowed me to work on mag changes and a number of other time and accuracy sensitve issues. Yes it can be an expensive system but for me it is most certainly worth it.


I had a very bad experience with Beamhit. You had a very good one.

I'm especially interested in your post because you had experience with the LT-500 sending unit which requires no adjustment.

Although my experience with Beamhit left me with a bad taste, I still think the concept is terrific and I would like to enjoy and benefit from this kind of practise.

ericsze's post made me consider buying the LT-500. After reading your post, I'm now really teetering on the brink. If I get over the bad taste, I may still order that sending unit.

If I do buy, I'll let you know how it turned out.



I think you'll be happy if you choose the LT-500, or rather the LTX as it is now called. I have had my LT-500 for about a year or so and love it. It allows for much more realistic training. As I said in my earlier post, a shot timer that has a par function is also an excellent training aid and will allow you to expand the usefulness of the LTX even further. Yes, you could buy a couple cases of ammo and put rounds down range. For me, I believe that the LT-500 is an invaluble training tool that allows me to be better than if I just used dry-fire and live-fire practice.


I've just come off the Beamhit site and cannot find an LT-500.

What I do find is an LTX internal laser sender for $299,


Is this close enough to what you had? I don't want to get entangled with them again unless I know I'm buying what you said worked for you.

Thanks, again.


I guess we just cross-posted.

P.S. If I buy the LTX, can I tell my GF it was all your fault?

Just kidding, Thank you very much.

Reply for ericsze

Thanks fellas (changed username)...

I've gone through a few email exchanges with a sales rep named Jennifer and have found out that the system (Beam hit 190 pro3 -- Beamhit 190 and integral rod laser) retails for $432 + shipping. From what I've heard so far, this seems an excellent tool for practice. With the rod laser the guesswork involved with windage and elevation should be eliminated. Technically, with the laser in the barrel, the system "should" be good--especially after paying close to $500 for it. Again, while this would buy me a lot of lead to throw downrange, I do see the benefit of such a system (home use, etc.)

If I make the buy, I'll be sure to post my findings. It seems this system (minus the price tag of course) would really help most shooters. The only other minus is that the hammer/striker needs to be recocked after each shot; probably makes controlled pairs and follow up shots a bit more difficult to practice.

Yes the LTX is much like the LT-500. From what I saw on their web site it looks to have a couple of better design points than my older LT-500. If you can shell out the dough I would say go for it. As for your girlfriend, sure blame me if that helps!

Glad to have been of some help. Good luck with your training.

I have a RIKA system. It is very expensive, but works flawlessly and provides levels of feedback that are unreal. It tought me a lot about my offhand position.

I had a bloop tube on the front of my match rifle - I saw my instability (pattern right on the pc's screen). I swapped over to my carbine and saw the wobble area was much more consistent. It dawned on me that my match rifle was too heavy. I dumped the boop tube.