Be vewy vewy quiet, I'm hunting for wabbits


New member
I'm going back to my hometown tomorrow to play some golf with the old man. While I'm there, I am going to bring along the ol' 22 and 12 ga to do some rabbit shooting in my Grandmother's garden. She has had a hard time getting anything out of the garden due to these wascally wabbits.

I know this isn't Cape Buffalo or nothing :( but it has been a while since I've shot anything but paper and clays, so I'm excited. The last time I was there I was nearly run over by a jackrabbit as I opened the door to my pickup.

I don't think I will have much trouble rustling any up. On the same trip all I had to do was open up the backdoor (quietly of course) and I shot 5 of them. It is out in the country BTW.

Now this may not get most of you guys' excited, but hey, I'm easily amused. Wish me luck.
