be there lawyers listening


New member
ReSAF's suit against mayors, their action seems essentially civil in nature.

What might be the possibilities of CRIMINAL COMPLAINT for conspiracy to violate civil rights, based on statements and actions of mayors and their attorneys.

By there lawyers reading??
How about the part of the Constitution that prohibits the states from entering into compacts. If anyone thinks this is not a cooncerted effort on the part of these cities and states they are seriously delusional.
Criminal complaints against corporate entities rarely result in imprisonment of corporate officers. This applies also to cities and elected officials who are acting within their official capacity.

Title 42 Section 1983 U.S.C. Conspiracy to deprive one of their Constitutional Rights come to mind. Heavy punitive damages may be had under this section. However, the burden to hurdle would be establishing that the 2nd Amendment is a Constitutional Right which cannot be regulated as the elected official sees fit. The Courts aren't likely to touch that one.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt