BCM vs Colt upper


New member
For a build, which would you prefer? They're both milspec, and are held to a high standard. Only difference I see is one has a lifetime warranty (BCM), and the other doesnt. Also, you can buy Colt uppers with BCG and charging handle.
I don't get the question. They're both completely mil-spec, BCM has lifetime warranty and probably cost less. There really isn't a question. Unless you just want the Colt logo.
Both are great.
Do you want a midlength or a hammer forged barrel? If so, then it's an easy choice.
Colt is the gold standard of the industry so it is difficult to go wrong with one. BCM certainly is top tier as well and you can purchase these with the BCG. Bravo Co also offer their uppers in many different configurations such as gas systems, barrel lengths, handguards and rails, flash suppressors, etc.

I have all BCM uppers on my rifles.
LeafyBug said:
Nothing about this process has been easy. I prefer a 16 inch barrel

I meant it like Tactical defense just stated. Because Colt only offers a carbine gas system setup. BCM offers both with lifetime warranty and they're both made to the same process. So yes i wouldn't hesitate BCM would get my vote. It's also going to cost less. And FWIW yeah mid-length > carbine every day IMO.
The Colt MP-B initially appealed to me, I like the hand guard, and top rail.
However, you can put the same magpul hand guard on the BCM upper, so that sounds good to me.
Can you guys explain me the different types of uppers? What is the difference between carbine, mid length etc?
It refers to the length of the gas tube. Carbine is most common but many people will argue that it is best for a 14.5 inch or less barrel. Midlength gas system was developed for a 16 inch barrel. It will also give you a slightly longer sight radius, more rail space and, possibly, a more mild recoil.
I've been struggling with this myself. I have always wanted a Colt 6920, but prefer the mid-length gas system and 16 inch barrel, so when I "pull the trigger" it will probably be a BCM as Colt does not offer that.
Both are great.

I lean tword BCM for thier prices and options.

Colt and BCM both use full auto bolt carriers. The added mass slows down cyclic rate.
I could be wrong, but doesn't colt carbines use the old heavy M-16 full-auto bolt? Which thus makes it 2x-3x more resilient?

Many builders offer either a FA or SA bolt carrier, your choice. There is a 11 gram difference in weight, less than a half oz, it's pretty insignificant in a SA carbine.