

New member
Rather than a pistol at the bedside, what are your thoughts on a M-1 Carbine w/ fixed bayonet as a home (small house with no neighbors in the line of fire) defense set up? Naturally it is secured so as to prevent unauthorized access.

It points easily, it is easy to operate, has two extra mags on the stock, and a pointy thing on the front end to keep the BG from running up and taking from you if you're in contact range.

Is a bayoneted BG more of a legal liability than one thats been shot through?
Seems to me that it would take a lot more skill, training and practice to become proficient enough with a bayonet to protect your castle.

Bayonet extraction system on the .30 carbine is a bit weak, might want to consider sumpin with a tad heavier cartridge.

Hello Sam,

I am familir with the basic lunge, uppercut-buttstroke, downward slash and the parry. I don't have any formal bayonet training, but I do have some fencing (foil) experience. What other moves are good? My thought was that sompthin' long and pointy would prevent a BG from getting up close and personal, and give them pause before rush my person.

By .30 cal extraction system, I am guessin' you mean the the automatic aiming feature - when bayonet is in sumpthin' soft, you know the muzzle is on target, you can pull the trigger and be fairly certainof a hit - point and shoot made easy.

Certainly a bayonet with a M-1 Carbine attached is a more effective HD weapon than most handguns. What do you think?
Excuse me if i'm totally wrong but me thinks that it's much harder to manouver with a long gun for room clearing purposes, if the gun is made even longer by said bayonnet then it becomes a CQB nightmare. :eek:
I'll assume we are talking about home defense instead of home clearing. I regard clearing a house alone as a nightmare whether I have a handgun or a long gun.

I believe an M-1 Carbine is only 3 feet long, which is about the same as a shotgun with 18" barrel. That's fine for bedroom defense if you're not worried about overpenetration.

I suppose a bayonet might be helpful if someone comes charging into the room and his momentum continues him forward after being perforated, but otherwise I'm not sure of the benefit. That said, I definitely want a bayonet for the 590A1 I plan to buy some day. :D I hear the Mossberg has a pretty good bayonet extraction system.
I've heard that the shotgun-style grip in the M-1 and M-14 battle rifles make them easier to quickly turn and target with than a more conventional assault rifle pistol grip...that's why the guys with an M-14 usually had point if there was a choice, not the ones with M-16s.

A bayonet looks scary, and may provide an additional psycological deterrent to the BG.
the bayonet extraction system is when you get your bayonet stuck in the BG and you fire a shot into him to dislodge your blade.

the moves are vertical buttstroke, horizontal buttstroke, slash, smash, parry left and parry right.

good luck!

oh, and the 590 with the bayonet lug (sort of a modern "trench gun") would be great to have!

We rarely agree, but if I were on the jury, I would advocate for your acquittal. I don't much care how the bad gut bites it, so long as he's dead/wounded/maimed. If someone breaks into your home, they are meat on a stick, or skewer in this case, at least as far as I'm concerned.:D
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Certainly an interesting concept. Been a long time since I have worked with bayonet......gotta play with it om short gun. Assult rifle layout definately not good as noted above.

As far as legality......don't see where any more trouble stoppin a bad guy with bayonet any worse than doin it with a pot of boilin soup or a .44mag. Same problem, same solution....stop him.

Bayonet? You mean one of them pointy things that makes an "Assualt Rifle" look like even more of a McDonald's massacre/toddler slayer?

Given all the bayonet murders in the US before 1994, I'm SOOOO glad the gov't included a bayonet lug on their "Assualt Weapons Ban" list.

Otherwise they may have tried to take away something useful.:)
I'd say you're better off just poking the bad guy without a bayonet. A good, solid jab to the sternum without a bayonet should make him pause for a second. Follow up with a buttstroke and use the time you bought to reload or tap-rack-bang.

Semper fi,
Bruegger out.
Concur with Bruegger, for the most part. Leave the bayonet off. A good jab to the gut with a 1/2" diameter rifle barrel is going to HURT.

I'd stay away from the butt-stroke, though. It's pretty easy to break your stock by slamming it against some poor bugger's skull. Save your rifle for the shooting.

That said, a bayonet for CQB or room entry might be an idea worth exploring. By someone other than me, I mean.

John Steyrs' Cold Steel is a good introduction to bayonet fighting (among other things.) If you can find a copy, you might snap it up.

- Chris
everyone has their personal preference for home defense. it seems that most people here are against your use of this particular rifle w/bayonet. at least they have put some thought into their reasoning.

however, i think that any long gun is better for defense than a handgun. better accuracy, stopping power, scare-factor, etc., etc.

i think what you have chosen is fine as long as you practice, practice, practice.
