Bauer Better . . . Not!

Prof Young

New member
Okay, for those who have been following my Bauer pistol saga, below is posted a photo the the gun with the new parts installed and the old parts displayed. You can see the broken extractor, the bunged barrel, and the busted grip. New grip has a chip in it but it still looks better. And the old mag release latch had to be repaired but works great now.

Okay so after installing the new extractor I was ready for the gun to at least run as well as when I first got it. (90 rounds, two jams). BUT When I pull the trigger the firing pin goes click and nothing happens. (Yes, I loaded it first. :))

Dismantled the thing and discover that the firing pin is hanging up in the "channel" it runs through. Lube doesn't help. Stretching the spring a touch doesn't help. It seems to hang up right about where the pin that holds the extractor in place goes through the slide. Is it possible that pin is the problem. I can't see anything but haven't got it on the workbench under a magnifying glass yet.

What should I look for.

Life is good.
Prof Young


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Could the tip of the firing pin be bent?
Another guess is you buggered the extractor pin hole when changing it out.
If that's the case, you'll need to remove the bump in the firing pin channel. I would try swaging it out by driving a steel rod of the exact size into the channel. Grease the rod, and have enough left over that you can grip it with a vise to get it out. Or, if you have the tools, you could grind it out.
Good advice . . .

Thanks Bill

Will take a look at that and let you know.

You know how some guys have project cars that they put a bunch of $ into just because they wanna see it run well? I think this has become a project gun.

Life is good.
Prof Young
The mystery continues . . .

Okay, so turns out the firing pin was hanging up on the places that the new extractor protrudes into the channel that guides the firing pin. A Jewelers fill and a some time and the gun "dry fires" just fine. Take it to the range today and nothing. With a live round in the chamber the trigger doesn't even pull. It's not a light strike . . . it's nothing. Un load the gun and it dry fires just fine. Are we having fun yet.

Next plan is to compare body of old extractor with new. Not real sure where to go from there. May have to find a gun smith.

Life is good.

Prof Young
Yes and Can't

Yeah it does. Dry fires only with mag in place. Does not shoot at all with mag in place and bullet in chamber.

I explored that option, but can't ship to Bill due to FFL issues. I did send him the mag release latch and he fixed it really well.

Haven't looked at it today. Am gonna set it aside for bit so I can come at it with fresh eyes. May research the gun a touch more too.

Life is good. Stay healthy.

Prof Young