Battle of the Titan spin doctors

Boom. Boom! Boom!!!! Oops. I think we hit the Chinese embassy. Oh well, they will understand, bombs for peace and such.

Spin 1. Uhhh, the bombs were defective.
Spin 2. Mmmmm, we used old maps.
Spin 3. Wellllllllllll.....

Anyone seen some of the recent exchanges between our medias' finest gun grabbers and the official Chicom entry? The Chicom guy definitely is the teacher in this class. The most outrageous American statement was about how amazed they were that the Chicoms would spin the news. Imagine that.
I'm sorry for the people who were hurt by the "accident".But you got to admit it does have it's funny side. I can see "slick" trying to explain it now "Golly gee guys, we didn't mean it! We were tryin' to kill the other oppressive mass murderers. By tha way, election are comin' ya know, and we could use a little help, know whut I mean?"

Talk about biting the hand that feeds you! Of course the Chinese should know that you get what you pay for.
I feel sorry for the innocents also. But tragic events sometimes have a small humorous component. By the way, I posted this to the wrong forum. Anyone know a way I can make it go away.
As this one had more responses, I deleted the one in Legal

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
we are sure paying for great inteligence aren't we. didn't know they had moved!!! sheesh! what the hell is the cia and the rest of the alphabet soup organizations doing??
hell all they had to do was ask one of the reporters in there, they could have told them! I guess they're too busy trying to find out who's got guns over here..

fiat justitia
On a funny note, the Soviets leveled their own embassy in Helsinki in '39...the Finns laughed until they were forced to rebuild it as a condition of Armistice.

Cornered Rat Updated March 20
"Disarm, then past the barbed wire, into the oven and out of the smoke-stack..."

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ahh HA ! :D

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Hey, Could it have not been an accident: Ya know, the First Felon sending a warning: "Look Boys, you stiffed me on the last payments from the PLA, I want the cash. Pay up or I'll send my boys to break your knees."

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
For what its worth:
On a local radio show a retired intellegence guy was on. He said that operatives know every building in a city, esp embassies and such. His speculation was the pilots/bombers were given bad info....he wouldn't go so far as to say intentionally, but.......

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
From: Ivan 5-11-99 1154AM EDT Hey, Guys The Coward-in-Chief of The New World Army(Nato) knows what he is doing by bombing the Chicom Embassy. With the Cox Report(Sellout of our Nuclear Weapons to Chicom by Head U.S. Comrade) on his heels, this bombing diverts the American SHeeple from the treason ,keeps the heat off the Chi-C0m and their spying,and makes the Coward -in-chief look contrite and sorrowful to his Chicom Masters and the American Sheeple who cant recognize a Scam when it is in front of their faces.
Look, first we sell them our missle technology. Now we give them three working samples. Don't blame us if it blows up in their faces. Sheesh.