Baton in Car: Colorado

I would think in Colorado

there would be many many many places where one might want to camp and a hatchet in a car would be a reasonable thing to have.
Maybe...since the Denver 'city state' has its 'own' laws which in many cases differ from state statute I'd be kinda careful on this. I know they(state legislature) changed this for permit holders. This may help,
weapons or tools?

I would think about keeping a tire iron under the seat of my truck. I would also think about keeping a large flat head screw diver in my center console. I like to be prepared for any situation that may arise, on the roads or on the trails. If my life was threatened, I would grab the closest thing available. I would not keep a weapon whose sole purpose is to knock some skull in my vehicle.
Batons, clubs, pipes, or other bludgeoning devices are spelled out pretty clearly in Colorado state laws (see sect 18)

I wouldn't recommend a baton, but like when the ancient citizens of the Orient were disarmed, the people became skilled with common farm(auto) tools for self-defense.

Not legal advice, just my $.01 and what tools I might keep handy in my truck.
having a stick, club, baton or any like device showing in the car when you are stopped is the quickest way I know of to be invited to step out of the car, frisked, handcuffed and your car searched. This is irreguardless of what ever laws are in force where you are. Colorado police, at least the ones in the Denver metro area, are terrified of the populace. I have seen seven officers called in on a defective vehical stop (head light out) I have seen swat teams called into action when a cop found an empty shell casing in the back of a pick up. I'm not kidding. What ever you decide, be very discreet and very cooperative or you could end up very dead.:p
A common trick is to keep a ball and glove to make one's carry bat seem legit.

You can carry a shovel or e-tool, but you're like to inflict a lot more damage than a simple baton would if strike with the edge.
Since anyone, with or without a CWP, can carry a concealed handgun in their car, I cannot imagine why one wouldn't be allowed to have a baton. If you wish to verify this for yourself, read CO Revised Statute 18-12-105.6.

This is not legal advice, I am not a lawyer, yadda yadda yadda.
Why would you want to carry a baton?

Why on earth would you want to carry a baton, when you can legally carry a gun (without a permit)?

CRS: 18-12-105 - Unlawfully carrying a concealed weapon - unlawful possession of weapons.

(1) A person commits a class 2 misdemeanor if such person knowingly and unlawfully: (a) Carries a knife concealed on or about his or her person; or (b) Carries a firearm concealed on or about his or her person; or

blah blah

(2) It shall NOT be an offense if the defendant was:

(b) A person in a private automobile or other private means of conveyance who carries a weapon for lawful protection of such person's or another's person or property while traveling; or

more blah blah.
You think Denver enacted an ordinance to try and stop the legal practice of having a gun in your car for protection while travelling, they did and the state over ruled them:

CRS: 18-12-105.6 – Limitation on local ordinances regarding firearms in private vehicles.

(a) A person carrying a weapon in a private automobile or other private means of conveyance for lawful protection of such person's or another's person or property, as permitted in sections 18-12-105 (2) (b) and 18-12-105.5 (3) (c), may tend to travel in or through different county, city and county, and municipal jurisdictions en route to the person's destination;

(2) (a) Based on the findings specified in subsection (1) of this section, the general assembly concludes that the carrying of weapons in private automobiles or other private means of conveyance for lawful protection of a person's or another's person or property while traveling into or through a municipal, county, or city and county jurisdiction, regardless of the number of times the person stops in a jurisdiction, is a matter of statewide concern and is not an offense. (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no municipality, county, or city and county shall have the authority to enact or enforce any ordinance or resolution that would restrict a person's ability to travel with a weapon in a private automobile or other private means of conveyance for lawful protection of a person's or another's person or property while traveling into or through a municipal, county, or city and county jurisdiction, regardless of the number of times the person stops in a jurisdiction.

That means Denver's liberal crap laws don't work..... "state wide concern".

So I would carry it in the vehicle concealed and don't tell the cop. Thats what I would do but I'm not a lawayer, I could be full of crap. Read the Colorado revised Statues for yourself.


None of the above post is intended as leagl advice. Hehehehe
HS/LD is 100% correct, that is the law. In practice however if that weapon is seen by law enforcement you will have weapons pointed at you, you will be asked to step out of the vehical, you will be cuffed, and your car searched. Be careful, be discreet, keep both hands in full view at all times.
Get an old beaten axe or sledgehammer. Break it's handle. Buy a new handle and put the head of the axe or hammer with the handle stud and the new handle into a platic bag. Nobody should question this combination and you have the new handle which is an excellent baton.

Don't want to kill everyone?

Don't take a baton take pepper spray.

In my car 2 handguns 2 cans of pepper spray.

Just make sure you grab the right one, the day you grab the pepper spray maybe the day you should have grabbed the gun...
