Bathroom guns

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Willie Lowman

New member
In the conversations we have here, some claim to carry 24/7. There are others who keep one or more guns in their home for defensive purposes. I just recalled reading an article where the author claimed to keep four Charter Arms Bulldog .44 specials hidden around the house, including one in the bathroom.

It makes sense to me. After all we do spend a few years of our lives in the restroom. If a bad-guy kicked in the door when the homeowner was in the shower that could leave the homeowner in a very indefensible position.

So the question, how many of you 24/7 carry folks take your side-arm into the bathroom with you when you bathe? How many guns-around-the-house types have a restroom piece?
never bothered carrying in the bathroom at my house. My dog would give me enough notice to get my butt off the toilet and to my gun on the nightstand. I gave some thought of staging a pistol in there but prolonged moisture tends to be bad for guns so decided not too. Besides I dont want to bother putting it into the safe every time I leave.
I keep a little Beretta model 20 .25 in the seperate toilet area. Before I retired it was the last ditch for the wife to retreat to. If she didn't have a bigger gun, the .25 was there.
It's still in there, along with several others around the house.
i keep a hi-point 9x19 with a zip-lock baggie rubber banded around it, i can just punch my finger htough the plastic over the triggergaurd if i ever needed it, i keep it in a little slot behind the shaving mirror

it took awhile to get my wife to quit makking fun of me for this one, but i feel very vulnerable in the shower, i cant hear whats going on in my house and it would be very easy to get the jump on me

hi-point? cuz who cares if it gets rusty, i just make sure to preiodically cycle the rounds through it and make sure its going click(plus, it was free)
My pup would give me enough notice for me to arm myself. I'd be worried that the moisture would eventually harm a weapon stored in the bathroom.
If you're that concerned, you may as well get used to carrying full-time when you're awake. For a long time I carried constantly at home. When my belt went on with the pants, my gun went on with it. That way at least even if you're caught with your pants down (literally) you won't be completely defenseless.
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I carry all the time (when the law will allow). Most of the time ins a J-Frame but at night I put on an ankle holster with my NAA 22 short in it and the j frame goes on the night stand. When I shower I put my j-frame inside the folds in the towel.
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No gun in the bathroom, but I do keep a rather large stainless-steel hunting knife with towels.....and the door from the bathroom to the walk-in closet puts me right beside the gun safe.
SHE3PDOG has it. Get a good dog, if it's an option at all. Doesn't have to be a special breed, ours is just a Queensland Heeler, but he knows who "his people" are, to include the 5 y/o one and the 6 month old one. 99.9 percent of the time he wouldn't hurt a fly, but I have no doubt that an intruder wouldn't get past him unscathed and without having to harm the dog first.
If I felt the need to be armed while naked in the shower, I would move.....or start being nicer to my girlfreind.:p
Bathroom guns
In the conversations we have here, some claim to carry 24/7. There are others who keep one or more guns in their home for defensive purposes. I just recalled reading an article where the author claimed to keep four Charter Arms Bulldog .44 specials hidden around the house, including one in the bathroom.

It makes sense to me. After all we do spend a few years of our lives in the restroom. If a bad-guy kicked in the door when the homeowner was in the shower that could leave the homeowner in a very indefensible position.

So the question, how many of you 24/7 carry folks take your side-arm into the bathroom with you when you bathe? How many guns-around-the-house types have a restroom piece?

You're not kidding, are you?
People might be surprised how many times homes are broken into if BG knows you alone & in shower or in back yard mowing etc.
The gun is just part of my wardrobe. I don't get dressed without my underwear, or my gun. I let my dog out to run around the property first thing in the morning, and there are coyotes here that might like to have her over for breakfast, so I go out with her.
In the bathroom, anytime I drop my drawers, I take the gun out of the holster and put it on the counter. After the bath or shower, I transfer the holster to the new clothes and put the gun in it.
I think it unlikely someone will kick in my door, but on the other hand, when I go to answer the door, I don't have to go get the gun first. I wore a tool belt for all of my working life, so I really don't notice the 2 lb weight on my side. Ever forget to put your wallet in your pocket? Feels strange, don't it? Same with the gun once you are accustomed to it.
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Well, I'm not sure about actually having a gun in the shower, but it is easy enough to store/hide one in the bathroom. This one is actually under the kitchen sink and bolted through the side.

Fun thread. Esp. that last one.

Thanks, Joe. It's amusing to poke honest fun at what we sometimes find over the top.

More soberly, however, for those who take defense of self and family with some gravity, please don't wait.

If you wait to prepare yourself until you "feel the need," It may well be too late.

I'm an optimist by temperament; a pessimist by policy.


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