BATF doesn't deposit my checks.


New member
The last two times I renewed my C&R BATF never cashed the check. Is this widespread? The fee is marginal but they should cash the checks.
No clue on that, Although I'd give a warning, It's my understanding that personal checks never expire.

I mean if they haven't cashed them in all this time they probably never will but what a shocker it would be if they finally did and god forbid you actually be low on funds when they do.. what a mess.
If the license renewed, don't bring it to their attention. It shows they screwed up, often they don't like that and may instigate other issues, particularly if it goes up the chain.

Pencil the 2 checks out of your checkbook / account, make a note to that effect so in N-years you'll know why there's an out of balance.

- advice from a former bureaucrat
May seem like a "stupid remark" - but - did they renew your license?

If so, are you sure that you're not missing it on your bank statement due to it being listed as an "electronic withdrawal" rather than being listed in the checks (with the check numbers)? Trust me - I'm not saying that you don't know how to balance you checking account - but - on several occasions, I have written checks to various places only to not see the numbers among the check numbers on my statement. Most times, when it is taken as an "electronic withdrawal", it will show below on my statement and usually shows the check number - BUT - at times, the check number does not show - only an "electronic withdrawal". I use a smaller local bank and I realize all banks do their statements differently - when you balance your checking account - the true "teller" will be if you are "off" the amount of your check to them. I find it kind of odd and strange that a government agency wouldn't be cashing a check and making sure they have the money in their coffers before they issue any paperwork?

And like already said . . . it would be nice if the IRS wouldn't cash the checks we have to send them! :)