basic training

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would you support mandatory armed service (2yrs requirement max) after completion of high school for all (with no "buy-outs" by the wealthier or "more prominent")?
Yes, I think it's a great idea. The United States needs to teach it's young to respect and be willing to protect this country instead of teaching them we are the cause of all the problems in this our media tells them, that they seems to believe.

Unfortunately, in today's lawsuit happy society I doubt it would with stand the court challenges that would come against this policy.
I didn't...but in retrospect wish I had.

I grew up in a military family, but when my dad told me that when I get to basic training the drill instructors have the right to slap me around and I can't do anything about it....

When he told me all this, he claimed this is how it was when he was in training to go to Korea...and I told him I'd slap that DI right back.

And of course, he told me they were trained killers that would beat me within an inch of my life, and I decided "who needs that crap" and decided not to go.

I found out later that none of that was true, except for the verbal abuse which still may have caused me to slap the DI and get myself in I figured I'd probably be best to keep myself out of trouble by not going in.

If it would have been required, I'd gone willingly cause I kinda liked the idea back when I was young enough to go.
i should have stated in the beginning...i unfotunately did not serve in any of the armed forces. i should have and the older i got, the more i have come to regret not taking the opportunity when it was available to me as a younger man.
perhaps not mandatory military training but at least a mandatory community service internship....say 6 months or a year fresh out of high school for everyone.
I think any requirements like this would be a field day for lawyers!

Congress would have to make it a federal statute that you cannot sue of it before it could be sucessful.

Reason I asked is because the last thing I would want next to me in a foxhole is a guy who was forced to be there via the Draft or some sort of mandatory service.

I want that guy next to me that volunteered, knew what he was getting into and still went ahead and pushed ahead.

I just have no use for draftees--especially from this day and age's me-first generation. We already have a fine all-volunteer military. I'd hate to screw it up with mandatory service.

my dad told me that when I get to basic training the drill instructors have the right to slap me around and I can't do anything about it....

So? Some of us got pushed around and occasionally slapped when we did something really stupid. It got the point across. I'd rather be slapped or pushed than shot or killed.

The military is not some feel-good social experiement. It exists for the sole reason to defend our security and Constitution. It is not a jobs-training program.

and I told him I'd slap that DI right back.


by the way, i'm still eligible for the draft if i'm not mistaken....if it should come to it. i hope it will never come to that not because i'd wuss out cause i'd spank ur @ss in a fight if it came to that or atleast beat ur boot with my face - anything to "win" a fight you see, but if it did come to that then the whole world would surely be in deep guano aka : WWIII
That's a good point, but it could work if the military would carefully interview all draftees and decide you is worthy and who isn't.

There's probably more young'uns that would work out good than we think....

Of course, many sign up just to go to college for free now and get all bent out of shape if they are called up and sent to a war zone.

I always figured if I had to go to war I'd do what 'ol Patton said and "make that other SOB die for his country" by taking out as many of them as I can.

I can think of alot worse ways to die than on a battle field defending the United States, even in this current war that everybody seems to think is illegal.

Nothing illegal about it, it just hasn't been run as efficiently as it could have been run primarily due to the PC police in our society that don't want us to "hurt" any terrorists.
perhaps not mandatory military training but at least a mandatory community service internship....say 6 months or a year fresh out of high school for everyone.

I think this is a great idea as well, but I would modify it to be an option to every kid in high school as well as college, during the spring/summer break.
NO on the mandatory, you don't need someone in a far-away land with "Mr. I Hate American's" running about that doesn't want to be there.

That being said, I think the military is the best place to 'find yourself', 'get in touch with....', or what ever other hippie language they use today.

I wanted to join up since I was in the 3rd grade (sent in one of those cards in the TV guide). I signed up delayed enlistment before my senior year in HS.

Alot of that had to do with how I was raised, I probably didn't "need" the military, but I felt I had to/wanted to go. The sad thing is kids who "need" the military don't go due to how they were raised or PC crap.

It's tough but it goes back to the parents, THAT'S WHAT YOU SIGN UP FOR, I did - twice (Son 4.5yrs, Daughter 4.5mos) - and I'll be 40 next year :eek:
and I told him I'd slap that DI right back.

Oh, back in the day I enjoyed a good fist fight.

My dad (Marine, formerly on active duty) used to beat me all the time...till I came home one day and he caught me cutting school and cornered me in the utility room.

He threatened to kick my butt, but I bowed up to him, looked him right in the eye and told him I was going to kick his butt....he never touched me after that because he knew he was alot weaker than I was physically.

Sometimes I wish the 'ol man would have slapped me cause right about when I was 18/19 years old, I was having alot of success kickin guys butts that were older and bigger than I was.

It would have been interesting...
I'll tell ya what's really fun...

Is, when you're out eating somewhere and you see some military guys or cops eating the waitress over and tell her to put their meal on your tab.

But, if you ever do this you have to explain to the waitress to NOT tell them! (some folks are very slow). I found out that the police usually aren't allowed to accept gifts like that.

That's why I tell the waitress to tell the officer that their meal "has already been paid for" so they can't object.

Just a little something to do that helps their moral and lets them know that some folks appreciate what they're doing for society.
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