Basic Gunfighting 101

Although best known for his teaching of point shooting, this massive book by Mike Rayburn goes well beyond mere shooting.
Warning..this is a 347 page book that is a thick as a college text.
In other words it is quite a read, filled with techniques, theories behind the techniques and well illustrated drills.
Mike told me that Eric L. Haney----retired from Delta force, and one of the book's reviewers----advised him to turn it into two books, but Mike decided to go with an
all in one package deal.
The book is divided into 23 chapters.

1) Be prepared.

2) Shooting Myths Vs. Reality

3) Combat Shooting.

4) Instinctive Grip.

5) Combat Shooting Basics.

6) Target Analysis: Reading Your target.

7) Static Courses Of Fire.

8) Alternative Shooting Positions: part One.

9) Movement.

10) Hand(s)gun?

11) Alternative Shooting Positions: Part One.

12) CQB: Handgun Indexing Part One.

13) More CQB.

14) Low Light.

15) Reloading Tactics.

16) Clearing Malfunctions.

17) Multiple Assailants.

18) When Dogs Attack: Winning The K 9 Assault.

19) Using Cover.

20) Up Close & Personal CQB. ( Unarmed Combat)

21) Law Enforcement and You: Legal Issues.

22) CQB: Indexing Part 2

23) Final Exams.

As can be seen, this book goes well beyond the basics and should be a required read for both law enforcement and civilians.
The book sells for $24.95 ( plus $5.00 shipping) and can be obtained from Mike at

Too bad about the title. Otherwise I might get it. I really don't want to be a gun fighter. Weren't those guys in the Old West? Most of them got killed 'gun fighting'. No thanks.
Too bad about the title. Otherwise I might get it. I really don't want to be a gun fighter. Weren't those guys in the Old West? Most of them got killed 'gun fighting'. No thanks.

So is it the Title of a book that conveys the value of knowledge, or is it the text contained within? :rolleyes:

If that were the case I never would have read:

The Killer Angels
On Killing
The Art of War

And I never would have taken a second look at the workings of one Jim Cirillo (for his use of the term "master gunfighter").

I believe that those who fail to dig deeper than the surface of a book title also tend to do the same with their training.
As long as we're talking books...

It's not completely relavent, but because he was mentioned above as a reviewer...

Eric Haney wrote a book called "Inside Delta Force". It is an EXCELLENT read and I highly recommend it.
Thanks Matt ... just bought it.

What's the Pit Bull Drill?

Wasn't packing at the time but might've needed it 2 days ago on a nutty German Shepard Dog. A sturdy pointy umbrella sufficed.:mad:
Come On!

Those who judge a book by its cover and title are perfect fodder for the half truths of TV, sound bites, advertisements and many of our politicans and Presidents. :D

WHEN the SHTF, I WANT TO BE A COMPETENT GUNFIGHTER. Any book with a few really good ideas is worth in $ and sense more than one trip to the range.
Bought the book

Good enough for me. I just ordered the book through the website.

I will post a review soon.

It does sound good though.

Just finished M.A.'s Combat Handgunning 5th edition.
As for the title...

I attended Mike's "Advanced Handgun Defense" class last year. The first order of business that Mike covered was to explain that when you are using your handgun in a defensive situation - you are in a gunfight! The knowledge and skills needed to greatly enhance your odds of surviving (winning) a gunfight really are basic, in that almost anyone can learn them. So we were really in a Basic Gunfighting course, but if we wanted to feel better about it we could call it Basic Gunfighting 101.

Mike teaches an excellent course, and I will buy the book to replace the 347 pages of notes that I wish I had taken, but couldn't because we were all too busy shooting!
Basic Gunfighting 101 by Michael Rayburn

I just got my copy of Basic Gunfighting 101: A practical no-nonsense guide to combat shooting by Mike Rayburn in the mail at work today.

I got pulled off patrol and into the comm center tonight because of a last minute sick call, and this has given me an oppertunity to explore the book a little bit.

Rayburn is an advocate of point shooting. I am NOT going to get into that debate, although I think there are valid points to be made for both sighted and unsighted fire, depending on circumstances. More to the point of Basic Gunfighting 101, the format of the book is very innovative. It is designed as a text for self-study, and for performing various drills and shooting exercises with the aid of a coach/safety officer. Rayburn describes his preferred grip and stance, and the chapter on target analysis is specific to trouble-shooting performance problems by a shooter using these techniques.

Even if you don't use his particular grip/stance/point shooting method, the book contains a bunch of good shooting drills, movement drills, a good discussion of the use of cover, and shooting from positions of disadvantage (aka "downed officer drills") He also discusses various CQB positions, low light shooting, reloading, weapon manipulation with only one hand, clearing malfunctions, and even how to engage a charging attack dog.

Some of the books on self-defense use of the handgun focus almost entirely on weapons and equipment. This book focuses entirely on training issues.

I think this book would be a valuable addition to the library of any serious student of weaponcraft, even if you do not prefer point shooting as a primary technique. I am particularly intrigued by all the different training drills that Mike Rayburn has included in his book.

the book Basic Gunfighting 101: A practical no-nonsense guide to combat shooting is available from Rayburn Law Enforcement Training.
GO GET TRAINING!!!! Books can teach you alot but are not the same as actual live fire or airsoft training. a one day class starts at 80-100 bucks plus ammo. that is not a whole lot more than that book runs.

I read a couple books, then I took a 12 hour defensive pistol course, then I read some more books, then I took an 8 hour cqb shotgun course. Now I am reading some more.

Get Trained.

Additional benefits you learn while training (as opposed to books) are whether you can handle physically moving and firing alot, is your gun up to the task (all guns that will break will break during a training class in the arizona desert), does your gear work when you are all sweaty, etc.

You can do it on your own from books but you will spend alot more time then if you went to a professional.

Despite being sick, and having Underworld Evolution waiting for me and my DVD player - I decided to begin reading the book: Basic Gunfighting 101.

First it came within 3 days of ordering it: Kudos to Mr. Rayburn and his team - and Mike puts his personal business card with contact information on every book. I like that touch.

The first chapter alone - which deals with the psychology of combat gunfights, and how different they are from the hollywood movies, target shooting, etc. and what you go through (adrenaline rush - fight or flight reactions), action vs reaction - is superbly written, clear and concise with very good suggestions on how to control these behavioral patterns.

In the second chapter there are excercises on point shooting - practical ones and so far I am very impressed. I look forward to learning more and becoming a better shooter. I would definately recommend this read to anyone who is interested in defending yourself with a gun.


Worth the 24 bucks and more.
Just a couple quotes here..........

The Map is NOT the Territory! Count Alfred Korsbyski

You are only outgunned if you MISS!! from Jeff Coopers commentaries:)