If it is going to come off soon I would use a little anti-sieze. If it likely won't come off I would use a little of whatever is handy, any high pressure lube should be fine for putting it on. 30w motor oil would work fine.
Use a high pressure grease like chassis lube for thread lubricant. It won't take much.
Anti-seize and choke tube lube are for joints that you want to take apart routinely. You don't want your barrel coming out of the receiver until you are ready to unscrew it with an action wrench and barrel vise. The purpose of the grease is to allow you to cinch down tight on the barrel/receiver joint without galling the threads -- nothing more.
I really love this forum . This is my first barrel job and it really helps to have other collectors who will share their knowledge with you . Thats something you just can't get out of a book . It's that wisdom that only comes with experience . Thank You so much gentlemen . If you can think of anything else that will help me I'm all ears .....