Barrel options?? (or threading service), Ruger 10/22 Target .22LR

Hey all. New to the forums here, so I figured I would seek out some information from the vast numbers of users.

In a couple weeks I'm looking to make my first suppressor purchase, or at least, to start the lengthy process and put myself in constant agony waiting the 8 months it's going to take. But anyways, I wanted to go the .22LR route simply because of how ridiculously quiet they are suppressed, and I just enjoy the .22LR round. I still haven't quite decided for sure whether I'm going to match it up to a pistol or a rifle, but I am leaning more toward a rifle. I've been looking around for a good, preferably semi-auto rifle with a heavier barrel that comes factory with a threaded barrel, but I haven't had much luck in that regard. Savage has a semi-auto .22LR with a threaded barrel from the factory, but I'm not a huge fan of the Savage .22 LR rifles. I really liked the Ruger American Rimfire .22LR, but, it's a bolt action (which is tolerable, but I would much prefer a semi-auto).. So, it looks like I'm probably going to have to purchase a Ruger 10/22 Target model and send out the barrel to a good threading service.

Does anybody know of a really good threading service? I really want top quality work and will spare no expense in that regard. I noticed when I was looking at some services online, one of the companies featured a barrel showing their work, and I really liked the way it was done, as the thread protector matched the barrel identically, barely a visible seam. I liked the clean look, but it's not necessary so long as the company provides a good service, but it was something I was interested in if the company offered the option. But either way, I'm perfectly fine with a regular ole' knurled thread protector, like you'll commonly see on threaded barrels.

So, do anybody have any advice for me? Information on some good services available?

For any who are interested, the suppressor that I've decided on is the Dead Air Mask HD. I've seen quite a few review and comparison videos on it and I was really impressed. I figured I would throw that information out there as well in case anybody had any valuable insight for me as far as that's concerned. Also, what is everyone's experience with suppressing .22LR pistols? Any good recommendations should I decide to go that route? I know the selection is smaller, but I'll take all the advice and information I can get. I've decided that if I go the pistol route, I want to pick up the Ruger Mark IV 22/45 Lite. I know they have a couple different models, different colors and different barrel designs, but I haven't seen a whole bunch of the older designs available. I did like the green model with the slotted barrel cuts, but I'm quite fine with the current model that's displayed on Ruger's site with the copper color and that barrel design.
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"Does anybody know of a really good threading service?"
I have a 10-22 barrel that I bought ready to use(front sight set back, threaded w/thread protector) on ebay. The guy now sells just the machine work there(about $80 for 1/2x28 threads) . Absolutely top notch in my book. I see factory threaded 16.5" take-off barrels running $125-140. A 16.5" barrel with a smallish can is a handy tool.
A target barrel(.920") with a can is going to be a real monster to handle and what do you expect to gain? The barrel I mentioned above is a standard factory profile (18.5"). It shoots 38 grain HVHP open muzzle to the same POI as sub-sonic open and muffled with groups in the 1/2-3/4" range @ 50 yards using a 2.5x scope. Not sure how much better it could be.
My thoughts on the 22/45 LITE: While it's nice w/can, it's hard to hold w/o-not enough muzzle weight for my taste. I chose the steel 22/45 threaded 4" and can attest to it's accuracy. It's fairly muzzle heavy w/can but GOLLY, it shoots like a rifle. The can gives you a place to support the front end w/o blowing off a finger.
I seldom manually unload my 22/45 suppressed pistol after I've been out prowling for varmints, I drop the mag and fire the chambered round. Right now, I have an 8" round swinger set @ 85 yards from my yard gate. Take a rest on the gate post and shoot-PFFTTT(wait for it) clank. 85 yards with a 4" pistol isn't too shabby in anyone's book although I do confess to having a red dot as compensation to my aging eyes.
Thanks for the advice. I'll take a look and see what I can find for replacement barrels.. My reasoning for the .920 barrel was more because that's what the rifles that I've been interested in have from the factory (I'm not a fan of the 10/22's with the barre/stock band). I wouldn't mind a thinner barrel as I doubt that I would see much of a difference, but I figured being that it already had a .920, it might be pretty goofy with a thinner profile barrel. But you do have a point about simply purchasing a replacement barrel that's already threaded, or a take off from another 10/22. That way I could leave the factory barrel the way it is, should I ever want to revert it back for whatever reason, maybe should I decide to sell it and go with another 10/22.

And I didn't think about the 22/45 Lite being too light, but that makes sense.. I mean, I'm sure it'll be better with a can on there, but the can that I'm getting isn't the biggest thing. I think I'll take a look at the other 22/45's, maybe a target model. Maybe even a Browning Buckmark or a Walther P22. But I'm not at all familiar with the Buckmarks and I've seen some of the P22's not perform and cycle as well suppressed. At least not as well as the 22/45's and such with the fixed barrel. The P22's seem to be more particular about which ammo you feed them. I've seen some have issues with certain sub-sonic rounds. So.... But who knows. There's still plenty of time for the pistol. I think I'll get the rifle for it first. Though, I don't plan on purchasing one or having one ordered until I get the stamp and can pick up the can. I'm quite superstitious in that manner. While I know there's nothing that would prevent me from being approved, it still nags at the back of my mind that if I prepare for something too much, it might not happen for whatever reason. Lost paperwork or what have you.

Have you had experience with those Ruger 10/22 Takedown models? I know they come with a threaded barrel, and the model with the hogue stock is pretty nice. But I was never too sure about the guns accuracy because of the way the scope mounts to the rear portion of the gun, and the bullet, well, travels through and exits the other piece. I haven't had any hands on experience with them so I don't know how rigid they are.
"Have you had experience with those Ruger 10/22 Takedown models?"

No, I have not and don't expect I ever will. Simply not something I see as an advantage.

Regarding the thin barrel in a HB stock, just get another stock. 10-22 stocks are cheap and available.
Since you'll be waiting on the stamp before purchase of the rifle, I would keep my eyes open for a good deal on the lowest cost 10/22 you can find. Something for $150 - $200. Then purchase the threaded barrel of your choice (KIDD makes great barrels for $200) in the length you desire. You'll probably also want to put that cool looking barreled/suppressed combo into a new stock of you choice for figure another $200 for that. So for $600-$700 you'll have a custom rifle with very accurate barrel ready for your suppressor. Unless you just won't bother to shoot the rifle without a suppressor I would shop for stock rifle and part and build things up and start shooting the rifle now. This allows time to get parts in hand and be ready to just install the suppressor and rock when it shows up. Also allows you to get proficient with the rifle so when suppressor is installed and if you have issues with bullets grouping you will already know the rifle shoots well and the issue is with the suppressor. If the suppressor purchase falls through 10/22's are pretty easy to sell.