Barrel Life with Moly coated bullets


New member
Anyone worked extensively enough with moly coated bullets to see an impact on barrel life. If so, what caliber/type of bullet were you using? I've heard so many different opinions on this that it's hard to tell what the truth is!

An unarmed man is a subject.
Well, it hadn't occurred to me to worry about it, but if Moly is a lubricant, and the bullets are "slipperier", wouldn't barrel life be extended? At least somewhat?

I'm still getting tight groups after 4,000 rounds through an '06, and somebody else posted a 10,000+ barrel life for a high-power cartridge.

Do you shoot enough to worry about over or under 10,000-round barrel life?
I'm going to use nothing but moly in my .300 mag I'm building. I had a discussion with Gale McMillan on rec.guns a few months back about it. He seemed to think that all you are doing is laying down one type of fouling (moly) instead of another (copper)..It probably is a waste of money, since the .300 is supposed to be about gone at 1000 rounds from throat erosion.
We'll see how it goes.
Conan, The jury is still out on this one. Shilen Barrels doesn't support the use of moly, so thats good enough for me!
Sounds to me like a few barrel makers don't want us to use barrel-saving moly in our barrels. Guess they just want to sell us new barrels more often. :)
This was a subject of discussion me and Rich had at the SHOT SHOW with Gale McMillan.
Understand Gale is an absolute authority on getting the most out of a rifle...

He distains the use of Moly in a bore, or on the bullets. The reasons for this is that Moly eventually hardens after its been shot through a barrel. When it hardens - It becomes very difficult to remove. If yo cant remove it - you got a fouled barrel.
This leads to other problems such as irregular barrel wear... that over time will mean a ruined barrel before its time.

After getting this from Gale himself - I stopped using Moly in my guns.

I mean, if I went around saying I was an Emperor because some
moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, people would put me away!