Barrel break in

3 am in the morning and ran across your post while doing a search for barrel break-in procedeure and seen nobody came to your rescue.I will answer the best I can.I have shot a bunch in my 60 years and tried all sorts of break-in procedeures that have been written and talked about.I have even gone without breaking in a barrel just because I just wanted to shoot and forget all that lengthy break-in stuff,thinking that I'll just clean it good later.And you know what,never could tell any difference as far as accuracy.But I sure noticed an increase in my cleaning supplies.Does barrel break-in help to reduce the cross marks on the throat,probably,but then again,I think normal shooting and a good follow-up cleaning will do the same as well.That's a good way of confuseing you and kinda saying,that I am not sure how I stand on it.But at least,I opened the door back up for you so maybe somebody else can give their thoughts.
I have found that every barrel maker has their own advise to give on the subject. Ask the manufacturer of the barrel what they advise. I just shoot it, being careful not to let it overheat. I find I start to get my best accuracy after about 50 -75 rounds have gone through the tube. Clean thoroughly after each shoorung session.

Thanks for referring to those threads. I agree with you. The late, and great, Mr. McMillan knew what he was talking about.
Thanks guys, I also found those posts useful. I am on my way to pick up my new .22 rifle and I won't be 'breaking it in.'
"That's a good way of confuseing you and kinda saying,that I am not sure how I stand on it.But at least,I opened the door back up for you so maybe somebody else can give their thoughts."

And good thoughts they were too.I enjoyed the reading and they made so much better common sense to me.I wish I would have given up on the idea of barrel break-in years ago.I almost lost interest in shooting because of all the work and costs involved.It was getting to the point that it wasn't even fun anymore.
I agree,we have good rifles out there and I doubt that this old boy can make them any better then their intended purpose.But I sure have been known to mess things up.
That said,I am going out back and shoot up a box of handloads and have some fun.