Barney Frank interview in Playboy


Moderator Emeritus
This is scary and shows that the Libs think of themselves as the new aristocracy.
Forget your feelings about his personal habits and just read this and how the man thinks. Every thing he condemns Republicans for he demonstrates in himself in this interview.
Some excerpts:
1)Playboy: Do you see yourself running for a different office or will you run for Congress again?
BF: I'm going to run again..... I'm 59 yrs old, rather late in life to pick a new job. I expect to spend the next 15 yrs or so in this job....

2)Playboy: One last question. What exactly does a Congressman do?
BF: Two things. First, we try to implement a set of values through the federal gov't. In my case, I want to work for more fairness in our society. But, whatever your values are, your trying to affect public policy to bring things closer to the way yoiu think they should be. Second, you're an advocate for the specific concerns of the people you represent. Whatever it takes, you want to make sure that people aren't treated unfairly by the bureaucracy and they get their fair share. Thats the job--pushing your values and protecting the people you represent.

Read this this what you think?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
, we shall all buy this issue of Playboy, for the articles, of course.
Of course!

And the article on flyfishing

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Flyfishing?? Wow, Playboy has an article on flyfishing? Neat!

Regards - AZFred
I always read the pictorials.

Unforturnately, Mr. Frank is not alone in pushing his values. It's interesting that he sees nothing wrong with this when it's him doing the pushing. I think I remember him griping about how their morality was being pushed during the impeachment process.
A "Representative" whose first priority is pushing his own values, and second is to advocate for the people he represents. What a whacked sense of values he has! Doing the job he was hired to do by the voters should be his ONLY priority!

What a Pig!

I fear that we've already lost the Republic this country is supposed to be.
I think it is cool that DC reads Playboy.

(I'm sorry, was there something else that I was supposed to get out of this thread???..oh....)


I'm with you, rather interesting that he puts "representing" his people second..interesting that he says it plainly, but not really surprising.
I have often had trouble with the idea that congressmen are supposed to go Washington and execute the will of their people.. in reality a true "representative" gov't means that the people pick a representative, based on his values, views, opinions, promises, etc, and then he goes and does his own thing.. if the people don't agree with him, they don't re-elect him. Unfortunately, that is what we have, a representative gov't where the people very rarely have a voice.

..but I still think it is cool that you read Playboy....
Hey guys,

I was reading the Barney Frank article last night thinking the exact same thing...with my Glock 20 on the nightstand to my left and my girl curled up on my chest to my right reading right along with me.

Now that's life.

- Anthony
TMI! TMI! TMI! (Too Much Information!)

Democrat or Republican, they are pushing for THEIR values. Wouldn't it be refreshing if, instead, they pushed for our Constitutional values?

Yeah, you know where I'm going with this.....

Screw the Republicrats! Vote Libertarian - for a change!
Hey Cornered Rat,

I'm right handed, but quite ambidextrous.


Unless someone was breaking the door down at that very moment, I'd say the girl. Women who read Playboy in bed with you, don't complain about how much you spent at the gun show, look this beautiful, and cook this well don't grow on trees.

Last time I went to a show there were lots of Glock 20s around.


- Anthony

"Whacked" may mean something altogether different to you than it means to me...Capishe?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
That's probably the first time Barney Frank's been anywhere near a Playboy! I'm sure he's pushing HIS values.

Join the NRA!!!