Barnes bullet recovery


New member
Here are the results as posted to "Live from the stand 2013"

Dead from the stand......


Well to say the Barnes 290 TEZ's got put to the test would be an understatement. Three shots fired........three deer down. BTW, I'm tagged out. First, was an average doe in the morning at 95 yards. Hit her top of the shoulder........DRT. Second deer was a nice 6 pt and he stepped out of the woods at 3:30 in the afternoon. He was hard quartering to me and I took him top of the shoulder but tucked it in front (chest side). 45 yard shot and he didn't go 10 yards. Last, I had a group of a dozen or so does make their way down to me feeding along the the edge of the woods with about a half hour to go. I had plenty of time to size things and found the one I wanted. She was lingering in the back and gave me a 120 yard shot. I actually had to wizz my shot past closer ones to take her. Broadside, top of the shoulder........DRT.

I will post some pics later of the spot and the buck. Don't have any of the does.

So, the six point that was hard quartering to me had the bullet lodged in the hide near the pelvic area (see the shot description above). I cleaned it off and did some analysis. Take a look.


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Congrats on tagging out, sounds like you had a very successful season.

The penetration you got from the Barnes bullet does not surprise me. I've been using them since before the TSX was introduced and penetration/internal ballistics has always impressed me. What did not impress me about the original Barnes X bullet was it's accuracy. In a gun that shot MOA with Nosler Partitions I had to work to get 2 MOA using the original Barnes bullets. When the TSX and TTSX were introduced though that changed and now that same gun shoots MOA with them. Awesome hunting bullets in my opinion.
It appears Barnes product claims aren't bogus after all. All expanded nicely.

Did you have to chase after either of those doe's?

Curious: what were you shooting (scoped rifle?) to make that 120 yard shot? I consider a 100 yard shot near my shooting limits on a smaller animal such as a doe often is. 120 I would have to back off. Or not shoot. In hopes for a closer shot.
That's exactly the experience we have with our guns. We shoot Omegas out here using Blackhorn and the 250 gr. TEZ. We've killed big hogs at over 200 yards with 'em and the bullets are like an advertisement for Barnes. I've seen exactly two Barnes bullets that stripped petals off--one was a .340 Wby at 19 yards in a bull elk and the other was a .257 Wby at 300+ yards into a good hog, running. The .270, 7mm, .30, .458 and saboted muzzleloader bullets are simply perfect.

You might try the 250 TEZ as it would increase velocity somewhat and reduce your felt recoil.
Sure shot,

DRT = dead right there (and that's exactly what the does were)
The weapon was my TC Encore with 100 grs of Blackhorn 209.


Tried the 250 grs and they didn't group as well. The recoil isn't bad on the 290's either and I'm getting over 1900 fps chrono'd.
I would have that bullet in the tumbler right now and repost it for Brian!!

While I am getting ready to load some TSX's I haven't tried them yet, but I had the opposite experience with the old XBT's they were incredibly accurate in my 7-08 and my .280. We will see what the new versions do in my .223 Rem. I have considered them in my ML but still have lots of Hornady XTPs which my Knight DISC seems to like and deer hate.
.284: I haven't tried the 290 myself, but at 1,900 fps it ought to do the job! You gotta love that Blackhorn 209. I'll never shoot 777 or Pyrodex again.
Here's how a 250 gr Barnes TMZ does on a 140 lb whitetail at 60 yards. It was a quartering shot entering square in the shoulder and stopping in the hide of the opposite side near the next-to-last rib. This is the only kill I've had with this bullet that wasn't DRT. The deer tumbled about 20 yards down a bank before giving up the ghost. The powder load was 100 volumetric grains of Blackhorn 209. I agree it's good stuff.

Mine is shiney-er by the way ;)





Shinny Schminny..........your deer wasn't anymore dead than mine.

Those are awesome pictures BTW.
I sure wish they allowed the sabot load in Co. We are limited to iron sights older style bullets. Trying to protect the bigger bulls in the rut I would guess.