bargain on shooting glasses


New member
I don't work for Dillion or Gargoyles, but have gotten great service from both companies. If you DON'T get Dillons "Blue Press" catalog, you are missing a deal. They have Artic Clear Gargoyles with side shields for $24.95, normally listing for $68.90. I have never seen Gargoyles on sale below list, my clear ones cost $65 and $10 for side shields. If want to invest in really GOOD shooting glasses (they are the only eyes you've got) this deal will be tough to beat. Access 800-762-3845 or
I just can't see spending $26+ on shooting glasses, I am sure they are of the finest make, I have bought stuff from Dillon before, but I would just prefer to go to Wal-Mart and pay $7 for a pair. :)

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I have 20/5 vision in my right eye and 20/10 in my left eye, and I've found Gargoyles to be the only safety glasses that don't give me splitting headaches after 1/2 hour of use. I highly recommend them. Why look through a $1000.00 scope with $6.95 optically imperfect glasses?

BTW, I spent $75.00 on my Gargoyles, and consider them worth every penny!
Cry "Havoc!" and let slip the dogs of war.

[This message has been edited by Rex Feral (edited June 04, 2000).]
I'm sure if you wait a little bit you can probably get the South&Weston safety glasses for free.

- Ron V.
Gargoyles are great! I wear the Gargoyles 85s for my everyday sunglasses.

They may be expensive, but how many $7 shooting glasses are there that can withstand the impact of .22 caliber pellets (or was is .177)?

Oh yeah, I paid $85 for mine, and yes, they are worth every penny. :D

¡Viva la RKBA!
Bulldawg: NRA, GOA, TSRA, Shiner Bock Connoisseur.
Bulldawg's Firearms Page

[This message has been edited by Bulldog (edited June 05, 2000).]
And thank you for the proof read, Bulldog. Maybe I need to get READING glasses and shooting glasses. The comments above pretty much spell out what I think, they are your only eyes, why cheap out on glasses? The Gargoyles (I have a couple of pairs, use 'em every day) are optically correct, comfortable, work good under muffs (minimum interference with the seal), have wrap around protection, and are built to stop that piece of lead coming back at you from the steel. I kind of suspect that the guys who use the less expensive glasses haven't tried the Gargoyles due to cost and don't know what they are missing, like no more sore bridge on your nose at the end of a long range session. Not that they are wrong, just haven't taken shot at comparing.

When the wicked spring as the grass, and when all the workers of iniquity do flourish; IT IS that they shall be destroyed forever...Psalms 92.7
I wear UVEX polycarbonate safety glasses everyday at work. Also wear them shooting, reloading, huntin, fishin, drivin, in other words about 90% of the time I'm awake. Very comfortable, side protection, exceed ANSI Z87.1 standards, replaceable lens, clear or tinted, 99% UV A&B filtration exceeds AnsiZ80.3 requirements. Best of all, I get them free from my brother who works for the railroad.
Argh, I must have missed the sale. The web site is showing the price at $60 again.


Justin T. Huang, Esq.
late of Kennett Square, Pennsylvania
I' ve used both the clear and the amber Gargoyles originally for bike riding for more than 15 years. They are quite comfortable and very impact resistant, both against pebbles/ debris from the road and brass bouncing back and shavings from bullet heads! With the addition of the side shields, it is well worth the $25!

JT, I got another Dillon Blue Press in the mail yesterday and the clear Gargoyles are still there and on sale, you might try the 800 # and see if they still have them but not on the web site. Good luck.
Thanks for the heads up. I've wanted a pair for years but was too tight.
As soon as the CINC-House approves the purchase I'm on it!

This is one of the great things about this site. Good honest info.
It's also been good to see some of the manufacturer's show up recently.

He who dares wins.
NRA Life Memeber