BARF ALERT: New Gun-Grabber website


New member

Hold your lunch and check this HCI wanabee website out >>>shiver<<<<

"Arms discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property...Horrid mischief would ensue were the law abiding deprived the use of them" --Thomas Paine, 1775

[This message has been edited by ChrisMkIV (edited August 22, 2000).]
I'm sorry. I wasn't able to hold my lunch, and I haven't even had lunch yet. :mad:

Horny Toad

NRA Life Member
SAF Member
GOA Member
Funny how they say:

"We need money!!" "Non-Tax Deductable Donations"

Kinda makes me want to up a Anti Second site. I could imagine the News Update from my site! "We are lossing ground, we need more money to 'repeal', the Bill of Rights"

Dead [Black Ops]
Not that it will probably matter, but I sent the following:

I have read your entire site and have a few comments on it. Because of our 1st Amendment, you have the right to speak your opinion, I also have the right to speak mine.

Your opening statement about the 2nd Amendment being no longer needed (because our nation protects us against kings and dictators) is in error. The 2nd Amendment was not just to protect against foreign powers, but of the possibility of OUR government from becoming tyrannical. It is one of the reasons the founders came to this country. They wanted to no longer be under the rule of a king, or in other words, the people to be subject to its OWN rulers.

The confiscation of all firearms, to make our country 'safe', is utopian at best. Confiscation of firearms will effect only those law abiding and decent citizens that would fear a record. Criminal WILL NOT turn in their firearms. To think that total gun confiscation will stop violence, and even gun violence itself is faulty thinking. Have you ever seen the following:

1. A = B
2. A² = AB
3. A²-B² = AB-B²

4. (A+B)(A-B) B(A-B)
__________ + _______

(A-B) (A-B)

5. A+B = B
6. 2B = B
7. 2=1

Just like this, your numbers don't (won't) add up. Reason being is because you have broken one of the rules of math. The same, you have broken the rules of common sense. 2 doesn't equal 1, anymore than total gun confiscation will equal a safe country.

The sad fact of this is, even though your goals and motivations are sincere, they will fail to produce the society you are after. Even if you call for a total firearms ban, you will still have firearm violence. More so, because the criminals will no longer fear the citizen. You will have, in effect, made us all out to be nothing more than victims waiting to be another number and statistic for the news reports. If criminals don't fear a lawful gun owner, they will have won! Congratulations, you have just given them the victory! And when you are satisfied that your goal of complete confiscations have been fulfilled, the blood of these victims will be on YOUR hands! We will be fighting a modern 'war' with sticks and stones, forced to fight with 'ancient technologies'. The outcome will be severe.

Do you REALLY think the criminals will turn in their means of satisfying their desires? You are deluded if you think they will.

I am not a threat. With or without a firearm. I'm not the one who should be PUNISHED for things I don't do. If you want to make a REAL step in stopping violence, strictly prosecute anyone using a firearm in the act of a crime. 'Raid' known criminal or gang members houses and confiscate THEIR weapons. If the NICS check catches a criminal trying to purchase a gun, prosecute them! I'm sure there are other ways to help stop violence, and ALL of them should be aimed at the criminals, NOT the law abiding.

Thank you for reading my email. I am just a concerned citizen, not wanting to be treated with the contempt you so freely lavish on me and other law abiding citizens.

Ps BTW, I love the little 'throwing up guy'. :)
What part does Shall not be infringed do they not understand!

I see the 2nd as 2 things. Not 1 thing all wrapped up as the Antis love to do.

"A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State"


"the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Seems like this could be a good feedback letter!

Edit=Here is what I sent!

What part of "shall not be infringed do you not understand?"

The 2nd amendment is actaually a 2 parter.

1. "A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,"

2. "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

So while the militia may be no longer needed the right for me and my fellow Americans to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!

Criminals love gun control!

Do you honestly believe that if the 2nd was abolished that all gun crime would just stop?

Criminals do not go thru normal legal channels of getting their guns anyway!

Your cause disgusts me! I will not support your willingness to be prey for the criminal by not wanting to protect yourself of the people you love!

Besides...the disarming of America's guns will lead to some very bad consequences!

"The most foolish mistake we could make would be to allow the subjected people to carry arms; history shows that all conquerers who have allowed their subjected people to carry arms have prepared their own fall."

Adolf Hitler

Maybe you dont remember (either not born yet or never educated) that around 60 years ago gun registration was inacted and led to the death of millions of people during WW2. Why? The subjected people could not DEFEND THEMSELVES!

I hope some of this makes you think a tad bit.


Now while the Hitler quote is in debate of ever being said, it should still strike a cord into ANYONE that is in the mindset that "The government will protect us" Or as the idiot on the site states "Department of Defense, is more than adequate to protect us from the threat of kings and other despots and dictators."

I shiver at the thought!

Try to take away my gun...and you will see my 2nd Amendment Right in ACTION!!! -Me


[This message has been edited by MrBigglesworth (edited August 23, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by MrBigglesworth (edited August 23, 2000).]