barell change on python.

Same as any other revolver.
Take out cylinder, clamp barrel in a padded vise, clamp receiver with a frame wrench made to avoid bending the gun. Unscrew.
Screw in new barrel, see how much to take off the shoulder to let it screw in tight with the sight straight up. Check to see that the cylinder gap will be right or tight.
Trim shoulder, screw in barrel.
Install cylinder, check and adjust cylinder gap.
If much is cut to get correct cylinder gap, recut forcing cone.

No doubt somebody with more knowhow will be along to refine the job. But he will add work and warnings, not delete. It is not like screwing together an AR in the basement.
"how hard is it to change one out? "

Easy, if you have all of the equipment and knowledge. Colt has both.
Once the new barrel is screwed in and barrel-cylinder gap has been set, the revolver needs to be ranged. This is not a simple "tap here, twist there" job, Pythons cylinder mouth dimensions are very close to bore dimension. A ranging rod is required.

Be careful! Python frames are fairly soft, and bend fairly easily.
The only caution I would add to Jim's advice is that a padded vise, even a big one, is not usually enough. I always used a regular barrel vise with the appropriate bushing.
