Bare Naked Ladies (The music group)


New member
Thought that I should add the last part before getting some of you excited. I was listening to a local radio disk jockey on 99.7 in Atlanta giving an interview last night to the band. One of the guys in the band made a joke about guns and of course the disk jockey said don't joke about that because of the shootings. The band had not heard yet and the group and disk jockey then went on to bash the second amendment and group all gun owners in with the sick puke in California. They then discussed how Canada was so much better than the U.S. (Were they are from) because the gun laws are so restrictive. I have nothing against Canadians or Canada but the whole discussion had my blood boiling. I did not like their music in the first place now I am telling all of my friends that own guns not to buy their cd's.
I heard it too. I was working out at the time. They helped me get a real good pump.

What do you expect from 99X. I hate to admit it, but, they play the music that I like. It does get hard to tolerate the whiny drivel that comes from the liberal simps and feebs they call D.J.s.

I think it's time to stay strictly with talk radio...or better yet, no mainstream media at all.


Check me out at:
Nice. Their CD was on my list.

Notice the past tense. I'll also let my favorite local band (who does a great cover of "One Week") know about this.

A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.
Vote Libertarian - For A Change.
If that's the case, then Bare Naked Ladies can take their bare naked asses back to Canada and stay there. If there is one thing that pisses me off is a f$%^#@g foreigner criticizing my country and the way we do things while sucking down O2 within our borders. I hope someone in Atlanta bumps into them while they're out carousing with the locals after their show and knocks them on their Canadian butts.

[This message has been edited by Mike Spight (edited August 11, 1999).]
Never liked them anyway.
They sure like coming down here for our money tho, eh?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!


I've been planning to see them for WEEKS!!!!

I've loved their music since they were awarded Gordon's as a prize for winning a High School talent contest!

Look, I don't know what to do or say, but... You aren't putting any money in their pockets when you buy USED CD's from CD Warehouse, etc.

They're not as bad as most. They're just f-wording Canadian.

(can you say "Rationalization"?)


I don't have the right to ask the following question:

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?
I was thinking of sending an email to the radio station but as Dan pointed out they are fairly liberal and would not care. I will try and see if I can get our company to stop using them for advertising. Oh yeah (plug for comnpany) If you want a good ISP go with Mindspring. :) (Back to to being pissed) I am all for free speech for everyone but you would think that if you were visiting another country that was selling your music and making you huge amounts of money that you would not insult a large porton of the people living there for no good reason.

It is better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have it.
Screw them and the label and everything associated to the music industry and download the MP3. Then get a CD-burner and burn it onto a CD.

Most computer company execs are pro-gun cuz well, they have a lot of stuff they need protected.

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
you have to remember that canadians, englishmen, and aussies are not citizens, but subjects. so most of them just think that way. which is too bad.
as for the bnladies-i am just not impressed with the new music scene. i may sound like an old fart, but the new groups just have no talent.
except for ted the sled nugent, these new groups are too worried which body part to pierce than just playing some kick butt music.

That's just the delimma I'm in, man! These boys have some talent! Check out Gordon sometime. They've not only got some great harmonies and instrumentals. Every member of the band writes and plays. The stuff that's hitting the airwaves by them has been strategically aimed to go Top 40, after 3 albums without a Top 40 hit. Thus, it sounds like bland oatmeal.

Dadgum. I really did NOT want to know this!
Just vote you guy's together "we" can decide it up to us........ ;)

No matter how good she looks, some other guy is sick and tired of putting
up with her ****.

[This message has been edited by shane (edited August 15, 1999).]
Exactly DC. The British,Aussie and Canadian actors and singers all tell us how great their countries are and bad mouth this country. But,guess where the first place is they come to make a buck and live?

My dad always says, If this country is so terrible,why is everyone trying to get here?

And those that are here sure aren't breaking down the door to leave.
That's kinda like what I want to ask all the hispanics on my side of town, who display the Mexican national flag all over their cars and whatnot. What I want to ask them is "If you love Mexico so much, why are you here?"
Futo Inu: There is no reason whatsoever that a Mexican living in this country should denounce his heritage. If I were of that county, I'd make a point of coming here, no matter how much I loved my homeland. Do you also make fun of those who have Union Jacks or thistles (Scottish) or other such on their cars? I doubt it. Many that have the Mexican flag on their cars are 2nd gen. Americans.

Pride of heritage is part of what we, as shooters, need to embrace in this country. If you forget where you've been, you can lose track of where you're going.

As long as they're here legally and show respect for my nation, they're welcome to stay. "Respect" doesn't mean that they can't criticize-- that's a right here.

But criticism needs to be made with the understanding that it's better here than there.
Sad to hear about the BNL being anti
If you like "One Week" you should hear Weird Al's version, about the Jerry Springer show -
it is hilarious.

It's been one week since we got to see
cheatin lovers, and cousins that marry.
Five days since they had the show,
with the hermaphrodite, the slut and the crack ho.
Three days since we heard the tale
about the guy who learned his woman was a she-male.

Dang, and here i was listening to their Cd as I read the post :(
About Canadians, my girlfriend is Canadian and me and her family get into some interesting conversations. They believe that people should be allowed to own firearms, but they think that the gov't has a right to say who can own them and who can't. I then ask them if they think that this is a good gov't, of course they say no, stating that it is a godless gov't and therefore doomed to corruption.(They are missionaries) I then ask them why if this is a bad gov't they would trust them to decide who could and could not own firearms. They never have an answer. On a side note, my girlfriend used to think that guns were evil because they were only made to kill. So I took her out and started giving her lessons with a Taurus M85 and my AR. Now she still claims that they are bad but jumps at the chance to go to the range :) And all it cost me was to do something that I hated, rollerblading!! :)