Barack Obama in '08'

hot sauce

New member
Would you vote for this guy? If he runs HE WILL WIN hands down! He stated today that he wants to run in '08'. The only thing IMO that MIGHT hold him back is that he's been a senator for 2 years. I found this link and thought it was interesting.

:barf: :barf: :barf:
Does this mean "autoloaders" or AK47/AR15 type guns?:confused: Probably both! Is it time to start buying Hi-caps, extra parts, and ammo? '08' is going to really SUCK my friends! Is it just me or does it seem that we are going to lose "something" real soon?:mad:
We've lost plenty in the last decade, even and especially in the last six years. Why should it be any different after the next election, regardless of which clown gets to sit in the Oval Office?

Oh, sorry...I forgot that only gun rights are important rights.
I did not mean it like that. I care about issue's other than firearms but if I discussed those issue's this thread would be closed. Right?
I was worried I was gonna worry

Being as this is a gun forum I do believe we as gun owners have gained in the last 6 years. Speaking gun rights, and lost in the 8 before that.

That is not to speak positive or negative of any present or past administrations, or the future either.

During the Nixon era a old fella from the old world stated to me during a conservation on presidential ideals "can't you see he is just a puppet". I have reflected on that many times and God help me I think there is way more truth in that thought than falsehood, and to a degree for every leader we have had since.
The root of all evil? Do you suppose money has played a part in any of this?

In the era we live in we stand to lose a lot I am afraid.

Be happy at how lucky we are. We have lived in the greatest country ever, at it's peak. I hope that the peak is to come but I fear is has slightly past.
Thanks for posting this, hot sauce. I suspected this bozo was as anti-gun as his mentors, and he didn't disappoint me.
Oh, sorry...I forgot that only gun rights are important rights.

Not by a long shot, but how someone is on the 2nd is usually a pretty good litmus test on where they will fall on other issues.
Hard to fathom that a guy from IL, regardless of funky name, oratorical (is that a word) abilities, etc., would be capable of representing those of us fortunate enough not to live in repressive states run by DemocRAT airheads. Gun rights would be the least of our problems if a true liberal gets back into the White House.
Like nobody having the idea that a guy from Arkansas named Clinton would be our next president in 1992? and then win a second term?
Not by a long shot, but how someone is on the 2nd is usually a pretty good litmus test on where they will fall on other issues.

Like the posters here who want thier 2nd Amendment rights but dont mind giving up the 4th Amendment rights to this administration in the name of safety? If they would trade thier 4th amendment rights for safety, why wouldn't they trade the 1st and 2nd Amendment rights for safety also?
ha, the day I vote for an Activist Democrat is the day I join the Klan(which is never).

Seriously though, ALL semi-autos? this guy needs to take a few history lessons on the hardships that the black community has suffered from gun control. Oh wait, his dad was a recent immigratns so he doesn't give a rat's behind about the suffering of true Americans.

so NO
I didnt vote for Clinton either but he got elected twice. Part of the problem is that the republican and democratic votes are tied pretty evenly. So the truth is that a small perceantage of voters decide who the president is. Thats who the parties are worried about. voter turnout and undying party alliegence are the problems. I tend to vote for the person regardles of the party label he or she wears. Ron Paul labels himself as a Republican, If he decided to switch to a democrat or libertarian I would still vote for him.

Lets look at Obama's positon on gun issues per the link provided.

Principles that Obama supports on gun issues:
Ban the sale or transfer of all forms of semi-automatic weapons.

Didnt President Bush say he would sign an assault weapons ban if Congress passed one? look at Guliani and Romney two Republicans who are potential candidates. They pretty much have the same notions.

Increase state restrictions on the purchase and possession of firearms.

Wishful thinking here....the courts have pretty much let the states do thier own thing on firearms. Voters in each state have pretty much decided what they want in a lot of states.

Require manufacturers to provide child-safety locks with firearms.

Who has a stack of these things at the house? I know I do. I dont have any kids and have gun safes. I think these are a good idea if you have kids and dont own a safe.

As I get older this political lablel fixation has me scratching my head. If I see a guy who is a party x politician but I vote party y. However, I am in 100% agreement with the fellow from party x more than the guy form the party y. I should vote for the person and not the party.

How is Obama different from Romney and Guliani on gun control issues? With the right set of circumstances they could be a Republican President with a Democratic Congress. who would sell your gun rights out so quick it would make your head spin. They would probably have an easier time getting away with than Obama the "Democratic liberal" would.
Well I am from Arkansas commonly known as the birthplace of Clinton. Sorry that we vommitted up old Slick.:barf: :barf: :barf: Most Arkansans hate his guts expecially Hillary. Arkansans HATES Hillary.:mad: :mad: :mad: I will be eligible to vote in 9 months and I can tell you that I will live in a cave before I vote for Hillary, Obama, Edwards, Kerry or any other liberal. I really don't know who I'll vote for in 08 even thought I am a Republican. No potential canidates strike a cord with me.
Gave One Speech, and now is Presidential Material?

Anyone see a pattern with the Democrat Party in making nominations?

A guy gives one speech at the Democrat Convention, and he is now two short years later, a front runner for nominee?

What major contributions to the system of government has this fellow been noted for over the last two years? I don't mean how has he advanced the Party by giving them hope of not havintg to run Hillary Clinton.

I mean, what specific things has the guy done (besides give one speech) to earn my vote for the most important office in the world?
The new media schtick is "he has STAR POWER". :barf: :barf: :barf: In other words, he's photogenic, young, somebody different (they've run Hillary into the ground ever since W was elected in 2000) and so he's somebody they can make money and sell advertising talking about.

God help the republic if "star power" is what matters for a leader of our nation.:mad:

if he wasnt African American or part thereof he would just be another rookie senator clinging to the same old ideas the Dems have recycled since LBJ, except now they have added cowardice to their tax and spend and social engineering agenda.

Have you seen his ratings on Gun issues? Might as well stock up on AR mags and build a good hiding place for your guns. Illinois has a horrible record on gun ownership. I can't imagine how bad it would be, we would need to lay low until someone else gets in!