Bank Shooting On Tape

Tough call with the other employee AND the mother AND baby in the line of fire. I can't even tell if the BG was even hit, looks like he managed to get out the door.

The baby is gonna have some ringing ears, this guy should have considered that as well before shooting. I don't see enough on the tape to rule that there was immediate danger by the BG, all you see is him running away getting shot at. :eek:
Quaterbacking from my armchair ,it looks like he didn't have a good angle on the BG ,and shot danger close to that woman and baby. But I wasn't there. Anyone know the outcome? Did he hit the BG? Come to think of it ,were the bystanders injured? Regards 18DAI.
Old video. The guy scored three good hit of his three shots fired. The badguy survived. I won't second guess his decision to shoot I will second guess his making of the video.
With the mother with a baby on her arm I would have not taken the risk unless there was a very high risk for life.
Since we don't see this on the video, we can assume anything!
I saw this video a while back and I remember saying to my buddy that it seemed kinda risky the way the guy kept firing even after the BG ran that close to the mom and baby. The video's angle is kinda bad so it's hard to say, but it looked to me like the BG ran after the first shot. I don't think I'd still be shooting at someone running away unless they were going for another weapon or something. Luckily the baby didn't get hit, but that was just to close for my liking. Not saying he reacted badly, but he should have stopped firing after the first round or two.
Going behind the other employee to draw and shooting past the woman with child in arms seems dangerous to them to me, but I don't know all the info or if someone was in immediate danger.
The shooter had posted on another forum stating that the camera makes the angle look a lot worse than it was in real life. He also stated that the mother had written him a letter expressing her thanks at trying to protect her and her baby.

With that said - whoever made that video is an idiot, whether it be the shooter or not. Also, in hindsight, had BG decided to shoot back - especially while running away - everyone in that room would have been in danger.
Looks like a standard bank camera that is normally above each teller station to me. Doesn't look like a 'person' taped it. As for the shot, hard to say from the limited video, and no other angles. It did look awfully close to the woman and child though....
he did right and wrong. the excellent tactical move was concealing his draw behind the rotund teller lady. once he drew he fracked the pooch royally. he had a case of major tunnel vision. if the mother wasn't alert or if she froze he would have shot her baby and probably her.

this could have gone terribly gone and while the perp would be charged for felony murder the teller could have a manslaughter charge if he hit baby or mom.

as for shooting while the guy is running away he is ok on that provided the guy had or said he had a weapon. as long as that guy is in the building he is a threat and to keep hooting while reckless wasn't illegal. i wonder if he hit the bad guy and how many cars he hit out side.

like i said in another thread we aren't to judge those in situations but we are to pick them apart and learn.

so what did we learn,
1 excellent tactical draw concealing the motion and not getting killed cause the bad guy saw his draw.

2 watch that tunnel vision and who is in the room and where they move. you have to pay as much attention to the innocents as the bad guy.

3 dont rob that bank or you will get a hole or two /
As far as I can tell, and I am no cop, he did everything correctly, except of course getting a little too close to the mother and child, but what I would like to know is what words were exchanged or what the original sound was to the video, that music is crap and overdramatized. I would just like to know if anything was said. -BamaXD
Yikes! I guess he must have thought the robber was about to shoot someone. Either that or he had already made up his mind to shoot him and went all-out when he saw an opportunity. Seeing the whole video with the origional audio (if any) would give you a better idea what happened. Anybody got a link to the uncut footage?
That's something I've wondered about from time to time. Do you take your chances that the scum bag will leave with out violence once he/she gets the loot, or do you take the first opportunity to tip the scales in your favor?

Tough question.
From what i can see in the vid, if that had been my wife and kid , that guard better shoot me or start running.
Some more info that might explain why this clerk took action despite the innocents nearby. Apparently the robber was a disgruntled hotel guest who threatened to kill the clerk prior to holding the place up. Also the robber fell outside the door and was arrested. The clerk clearly advances to the door gun at the ready but the bad guy was done.
he wasn't a guard, he is a clerk. the woman with the child was 3-4' to his left. the police, DA, and people present said he did a good job.