
Used only in gun rags, Skunk.:D

Extra ammo belongs on the weapon. "But it's heavy." Get off the couch; you'll want it heavy in just a minute.

I use a gas mask bag to carry spare ammo at skul. It's great as it has a divided pocket. Birshot in front, buckshot in the rear compartment.
Hmmm, upon further reflection, if you were a uniformed LEO or Dreaded Demon of Darkness, I guess it would make sense to carry ammo on your Sam Browne as long as you trained that way.
6 in the tube, 6 in the side saddle, 5 on the cheekpad/ammo pouch and 15 on the sling tips the scales around 10 LBS. Sling not kept full or on consistently though. (25 in extra bandoleer).

Slugs, lotsa Slugs.;)

I'm going to get one soon for HD. I posted a thread about them earlier, and basically got laughed at. Get ready for more people poking fun at you. :rolleyes:

Anyhow, IMO, they make perfect sense for several reasons:

1) Better than any sort of bag or pouch (ESP. bags) as they keep all the shells in whatever direction you place them. No movement. If I need extra shells, I sure as hell don't want to be fumbling around some bag for them. With a bando, you want a shell, you grab a shell. Period.

2) Better than slings that mount to the weapon, because others have said that the slings filled with shotshells get quite heavy, and just swing around uncontrollably. Also get caught on stuff easily.

3) Nylon slip-on shell holders tend to get loose after time, and also move around a lot, from what I've read. Most people have this complaint.

4) Sidesaddles: I've read something about them fu@#$ing up the shotgun, as one metal is harder than the other. I'm not sure exactly what happens, only that they can be bad news. Of course people are going to say "OH NO, they're AWESOME! I've had mine for 400 years and no probs!" but there are always two sides. I decided against a sidesaddle, although I would consider it. Just use the search feature and you will see what I'm talking about.

For about $30 shipped, I'm getting one in the near future. My Mossi only holds 6 (5 mag + 1 chambered) but I don't keep a round chambered. I figure IF I ever have to use it, hopefully the idiot will hear the loud "SHUCK-SHUCK," drop a large load (which I will probably have to clean up! :rolleyes: :mad: ) and run squealing like a little girl. If he doesn't, he'll be met with said Mossberg and me loaded with 50 shotshells. :D

I figure you can keep it draped over the gun, and sling it over your head WAY faster than you could put on any belt or other such device, ESP. under stress.

Makes perfect sense to me.

i use one for dove hunting,works great.:)
it's not a cheapo,used a cheapo canvas belt once.
it's in the trash can now.
the bando works for me,really fast reloads,when those rockets are moving everywhere.
