Ballots were only a problem for morons


New member
Only a complete moron would have a problem with the ballot they used in Palm Beach County. The arrows were pointing directly at the holes you were supposed to punch. If they were to ignorant to punch the right hole, oh well. Tough luck. That's your vote. There isn't any way they're going to allow a revote. All the losers who voted for Nader would come back and change their votes to Gore. Let's just hope the courts don't make that kind of decision. If all goes well the numbers should stay in Bush's favor.

Any Judge that orders a revote needs to be pimpslapped.
A revote will turn the election, obviously... thats the only reason Gore would want it.

The man conceads and then calls back to say "Never mind my last call."
Lets hope so. I have a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach however I'm trying to fight off. I also heard they found some missing ballot box's in a predominately democratic area. Lets hope they don't loose the militay's absentee ballots. Clint
This is the first I've heard of an actual revote--can a judge even order that legally, especially for as stupid a reason as the idea that people were confused by ballots?

As for the ballot boxes, latest word is that even if they're found, they're automatically decertified because no one can definitely prove that they were in the possession of certified poll workers the entire time, as it should be.

I agree. I would hate for Bush to be elected under a cloud like that, but if those votes can 're-voted' then Bush could argue all those other Buchanan votes were 'mistakes' as well and ask for re-votes. That should never be the case or EVERY election could be challanged if close based on the fact that those voters didn't really mean it.

That ballot was simple. I followed it as did my wife when we saw it on TV. I don't want to be too mean, but if they can't figure it out, I'm not sure I want them voting. Sorry.


Doesn't seem that complicated to me. :)
This is a cut and dry matter! The ballots were certified by Florida's Secretary of State before the elections took place. If these ballots were fraudulent to begin with, they would never have been allowed for use by voters. The only problem is that a few Palm Beach "blue hair" seniors forgot to take their pills and wear their glasses while voting! In other words, tough sh*t!
I was under the impression that illiteracy was not illegal in the US.
And if driving requires glasses, so should voting.

And if it happened that Florida was an exact tie even after the
absentee ballots, I'd cast a salomonic decision - Liberman is
President, Cheney VP and they change after two years.
This way, all the gory details stay out of Penn. Ave, and we have a
possibility that even voters might agree on a few things.

Although I endorse the Republican party (even if I can't vote in the
US), I'd prefer to have Cheney as POTUS. The guy is somewhat smarter.

And, oh, have there been any reports of Democrats killing Greens?
Especially Florida? :)
The "found ballot box" story is no more. There was a ballot box found in a Democratic precinct office. It didn't contain ballots, though. It contained only crayons, markers, and other supplies.

CNN has the State of Florida saying that all of the ballots are accounted for, voted and unvoted.

I don't know that anyone knows for sure what these absentee ballots from foreign areas are likely to bring. In 1996 they came mostly from military personnel. There were about 2,500 of them and they voted for Dole by about 6-4.

We'll see what Algore does tomorrow, if the recount goes for W. Again, CNN has _said_ that both Democrats and Republicans expect that these foreign ballots are likely to be heavily pro-Bush. Maybe Gore will concede-- or make concessionary noises.

If Gore decides to wait it out, we're in for a long delay. As many of you know, there is a 10-day grace period for these ballots. So, he wouldn't have to concede for ten more days. God.
Talk about cry babies!

The instant I saw this sample ballot on Rush I instantly knew that you fill in the second for Reform and the 3rd for Democrats.

WAH WAH WAH! Voter confusion does NOT equal voter fraud. :D

Try to take away my gun...and you will see my 2nd Amendment Right in ACTION!!! -Me

The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crime. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." Thomas Jefferson
Someone actually complained that the LARGE ARROW pointing to the box was confusing...and if it was to her, imagine those OLDER voters...

hmmm...sounds like ageism to me...from a dummycrap.

And if they were too stupid to read the directions, follow the arrow, and ask for a second ballot after punching two holes and messing up the first one, they should LOSE
I'm not worried. Buchanan pulled 3,000 votes in that county, and Bush is ahead by what, 1,400? But that's with 30,000 absentee votes still coming, most of them military.

We ain't screwed yet :).

Well, shut my mouf! You took the words right outa it! :)

o I raised my hand to eye level, like pointing a finger, and fired. Wild Bill Hickok
That is the same ballot look we used in Littleton CO. You have to be blind, (sorry to any blind folks out there), to not be able to use the ballot properly.

Put your punch card in the slot over the pegs, flip the pages and stick the needle through the hole next to the arrow and candidate.

Blind people would have enough sense to ask for help or a brail type ballot if they exist.

I wonder what FL residents think since Jackson, Gore, etc., think they are to invalid to punch the correct hole.
I voted for years with the "butterfly" ballot. I agree, you'd have to be an idiot to screw it up.

As for revoting, I posted a link to a David Kopel review of the situation. Florida case law comes down AGAINST a revote in such a situation, where the ballot is deemed "confusing."

Apparently there isn't any Federal case law, but as I understand it the ONLY ways that a revote can be held is:

1. In cases of fraud.

2. In cases where ballots are destroyed by accident or on purpose.

There's NO mechanism to have revote simply because the ballot was "confusing" to some people.

Smith & Wesson is dead to me.

If you want a Smith & Wesson, buy USED!
1. Life is hard.

2. Life is harder when you're stupid.

Given that sample ballots were widely distributed and not even a new thing, I am absolutely offended by the stupidity of these morons that want a 'do-over' because they're too lazy to pay attention, too stupid to read the instructions, and then fail to accept responsibility to admit that it was their mistake. Eff'em. M2
What I loved was the democraps and the reporters saying, "people left the polls in tears because they were too embarrised to ask for help! RIGHT, but not too embarrised to stand up in front of all those news cameras and tell 230 million people just how Stupid they were! Again, the master plays with his puppets to distract while he does what he wants behind the scenes. Meet puppet Stupid, then puppet Jessie, puppet newscaster, the list goes on! Wonder how many of those vote counters are puppets?