Ballistic Gelatin (on TV)


New member
My boys and I watch a lot of shows that use ballistic gel to test various things. Forged in Fire is a favorite.
On TV, it seems like it is a readily available product. There are several post here and on youtube about homemade recipies. None seem very practical.

Can someone who works with it a lot give me a quick summary about where people get it and how difficult and expensive it is to work with? I know there are certain classifications, 20% vs 10% vs homemade. I went on ebay to buy a block and was shocked at the pricing.

We had hoped to make a torso mold and shoot it but it seems impractical. I am just curious now.
5pins said:
Real ballistic gel is expensive, messy, and smelly. What you are probably seeing on TV is Clear Ballistics gel. It's cheaper and reusable.
And I believe Clear Ballistics gel doesn't have to be maintained at a refrigerated temperature to prevent it from turning into a puddle of unflavored Kool Aid.