Ballister-Molina (1911-clone) slide heat??

Big Shrek

New member
Was having a bit of fun at the range,
and noticed that the far end of the slide was getting REALLY hot,
like, way hotter than that of any of my other pistols,
and staying that way for quite awhile...

Is that normal? Only put about a box thru it, normal rate of fire.
I mean shoes yeah it's prolly normal. The barrel is where the most pressure be at, and with Newtons 4th law of aerodynamics he says that as pressure goes up, sugar the temp goes up too! :)
Barrel hot, yes, slide, don't expect that so much...
almost looked like the blueing was getting orange-peel...
my Glock gets warm, and I fire it a lot faster at IDPA,
but nothing like how hot the bang end of the B-M got on Saturday...
wish I had taken some pics...
Nothing to do with the gun itself, but check the barrel bushing fit. It could be that the bushing is tight and that friction with the barrel is causing the heat. You might also try some lube on the barrel and see if that helps.

Big-Shrek: The B-M is NOT a 1911 clone. It was designed to be a lower-cost alternative to the Colt 1911 design. There are some similarities (like barrel, link and magazine) but the trigger is a totally different design (and hinged). The B-M doesn't have a grip safety, for example.

If you go out to the Numrich web site and pull up the two different guns and look at the schematics on line, you'll see the similarities and differences.

Most of the folks I've known who had them liked them. Wikipedia has a pretty good article about them.