Balistic gelatin recipe?


Has anyone here ever tried to make the stuff?

I've always wondered where they get it, as the mold for most of what I've seen looks like a REALLY big bundt cake pan, or a large bucket.

I'm curious as to how expensive and difficult it would be to produce a good quantity of balistic gelatin. I'm sure there's more to it than just dumping a bunch of Sure Jell into a pail and waiting.

The guys who test bullets have to get it from somewhere, right? A reasonable facsimile would be good enough for me. Then I won't have to wait around for the next test on my favorite caliber to determine the 'gelatin coefficient'

Plus this gives me something else to do with my already cramped free time.

If any of you guys have a recipe for it I'd appreciate it.



Remember: You owe the great freedoms you enjoy to a 'bunch of gun owners'.
There's a recipe at, in the FAQ, section X.D.3 (Miscellaneous ballistics info). It seems like a real PITA to use.

I believe it's the Nosler people who use something called animal glue for their tests. It's supposed to be easier to handle.