Baffling: EBR manufacturer endorses Mitt Romney for President


New member
I dunno if anyone else has posted a thread on this, so I will post a thread. I searched but found nothing here. The CEO of Robinson Arms decided to endorse Mitt Romney for President. :confused:

Given that Romney signed into law a bill to ban Robarm's products in MA and will certainly sign similar legislation on a nationwide basis as president, it is a very ironic political endorsement. Although gun owners have put some serious pressure (and not all of it polite) on Robarm to fully retract the endorsement, it hasn't happened. Alex J Robinson is still endorsing and supporting Mitt Romney for president, although markedly less enthusiastically (and blindly) than before. :barf:

Link to Robinson Arms page:

Link to some interesting mental gymnastics on the part of Alex J Robinson:

Link to Wikipedia's entry on Robinson Arms (look at "Controversy")
A couple of strange things on this page:

Two of your comments have trouble me: 1) That he did sign a ban of "Assault Weapons" in Mass.; and 2) He stated he would sign anti-gun legislation if it came across his desk on "Meet the Press." I was not aware of this comment on "Meet the Press."

and later...after being educated by his customers...

Whoever is in charge of firearms policy for Mitt's campaign needs to talk to me and fast. There's no one in the country who knows more about this subject or who can talk about it more intelligently than I can.

To talk intelligently on a subject, you must be informed. How is it that so many of us knew about the mean looking weapons ban history and the recent statements, but he did not?

I also found this bit of his original endorsement letter interesting:

America faces challenges on every side: the War Against Freedom (Some call it the “War against Terror”. This is inaccurate)...

Without dragging this thread off topic, I think we all know that there is exactly one Republican candidate who shares that view, and it sure as heck isn't Mitt Romney.
There is a lot of strange stuff on that page. Apparently Robinson is a strange guy who just does not get it.
Apparently Robinson is a strange guy who just does not get it.

Whats the problem.......Every guy running for Prez except Ron Paul doesnt get it......and look at how many "Pro-gun" gop voters voter for them.

Robinson is just another compromiser in this party. Whats new?
Robinson is just another compromiser in this party. Whats new?

Exactly, neither party represents me or the working middle class, our government is controlled and paid for by wealthy corporations perhaps if we all understand that and stop arguments about your guy vs my guy we may have a opportunity to change things. Unless they are willing to abide by the constitution they are not for America.
Whats the problem.......Every guy running for Prez except Ron Paul doesnt get it......and look at how many "Pro-gun" gop voters voter for them.

Wow. By post #4 the Paulesinians were at it again. The need to realze the Mad Doctor is not only flakey, but he may be dangerous!
Given that Romney signed into law a bill to ban Robarm's products in MA and will certainly sign similar legislation on a nationwide basis as president, it is a very ironic political endorsement.

While Romney did pass a AWB in Mass in 2004, praising it as a great law that will keep guns off the street. The media went along with this and trumped up the new law as a way to keep these evil guns off the street. The problem here is that no one did their research before writing the articles, if they did they would have realized we already had AWB in Massachusetts since 1994. Unlike the Federal ban it mimic, it did not have a sunset clause. We where lucky since the new 2004 AWB was originally written to further the 1994 ban. Thankfully some powerful state legislatures where able to force the antis to cave in on their demands of a more restrictive ban, and just rewrite the poorly written 1994 version as the new AWB.

First we have to realize that only two Republican front runners are even somewhat pro-gun, Huckaberry, and Thompson. The rest are either neutral or mild anti. Huckabee is the only pro-gun candidate that has a small chance of winning. Even though it is very unlikely he will. My guess the reason Mr. Robinson supports Romney because he fears a Hillary would be far worse than a liberal Republican. While Romney would probably go along with many of the antis bans they pose, Romney might try to keep these gun manufactures in business at least for LEO sales. Hillary or Obama might actively try to sue these manufactures out of existence. At least that is my guess.
I sent them a nice email that I couldn't post here since their could be a lady present. All I can say is what a dumb ass :eek:
IMHO, Arabia, Romney will sell gun owners down the river in a heartbeat if he thinks there is some slight political advantage in doing so.

My reasoning on this is as follows: He's pushed for and signed antigun legislation into law. His campaign promise is to leave everyone's guns alone unless they exhibit "unusual lethality", i.e., as part of his platform on the 2nd Amendment he states that he supports the 2nd Amendment but will work to ban "assault weapons", or handguns, or hunting rifles that are too powerful. He's been caught lying about his participation in hunting and shooting. He signed up for an NRA life membership immediately prior to running for president although he clearly has no interest in guns, shooting, or gun rights outside of getting votes. This guy is so slimy he doesn't need to lick his finger before holding it up to see which way the wind blows, since the mucus perpetually oozing from his skin keeps that finger moist all the time.

And right at the end of this one, Romney tries to score a few brownie points:

ETA: Why does Mitt get all nervous and stuttery when people ask him about guns?
President Bush had said the he would also sign the AWB if it was reauthorized. Probaly just some verbal gymnastics on his part. Romney needs some friends in the pro-gun world. A case of tit for tat? a favor for a favor?
Here's Alex Robinson's response to the many who've written emails to him, he posted this on The Guns Network:

Guys, Guys,

I'm on your side. I'm trying to get Mitt to see our point of view. If I cannot get him to, we'll have to withdraw support.

He did pretty well in Iowa. He'll do better in NH. He may go all the way. Someone needs to get to him and straighten him out on these issues.

He hasn't followed his vow to support the Second Amendment.


Alex J. Robinson
Robinson Armament Co.


Didn't is see that camo rilfe on

Just kidding.


Jeez, talk about throwing away a lifetime's worth of work building a business.
"First we have to realize that only two Republican front runners are even somewhat pro-gun, Huckaberry, and Thompson. The rest are either neutral or mild anti"

"Mild anti", my butt. Look at the record of McCain, Romney and Rudy Baby. McCain has voted for every recent gun control scheme to come down the pike. Rudy Baby sued US gun makers because his NYC criminals used guns to commit violent crimes. You know Romney's record better than any of us outside MA do.

If any of this trifecta runs for POTUS, this Republican will vote for Al Shartpton.
More customer relations excellence from Alex Robinson over his Romney endorsement:

You guys act like his position is my position. I hope I've made it abundantly clear that it is not. If I have not, you are either an idiot or don't have anything between your ears that even resembles a brain.

Robinson does a great imitation of the south end of a north going horse.
"Mild anti", my butt. Look at the record of McCain, Romney and Rudy Baby. McCain has voted for every recent gun control scheme to come down the pike. Rudy Baby sued US gun makers because his NYC criminals used guns to commit violent crimes. You know Romney's record better than any of us outside MA do.

To be fair to Romney he is the only Governor in the last twenty years to pass gun control reform in Massachusetts. The last one was a Democrat in 1980s who gave us the Castle law. There are has not been a pro gun Governor in this state in decades. The three Republican governors before Romney all passed more gun regulation including the dreaded Gun Control Act of 1998 that banned many types of handguns in this state. While I would not say he is pro gun, he is much better on the issue than Rudy or McCain. I don't doubt he would pass gun regulation to serve is own political purposes.
Wow. By post #4 the Paulesinians were at it again. The need to realze the Mad Doctor is not only flakey, but he may be dangerous!

yeah watch out! liberty....its dangerous:rolleyes:

My God I dont get it. Alex will waste time and lose costumers trying to change a guy (Mitt) that signed his state's AW ban into law.........but not look at Ron Paul's 2nd A record which kicks a$$.

wow is the GOP going to get its clock cleaned this year.
but not look at Ron Paul's 2nd A record which kicks a$$.

Robinson probably recalled Ron Paul's ignorant vote against the most important piece of pro-gun legislation to have passed congress in 40 years: the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act.

Neither Ron Paul or Mitt Romney are friends of the Second Amendment. That's settled beyond any rational dispute.
I still haven't figured out why anyone supports Romney in the first place. What part of having the same voters as Ted Kennedy and John Kerry can't people understand? I don't want such a person pushing a mail cart let alone running a state or country.